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Finn kills 18 people leading to his own demise. Lexa, the grounders leader, makes a deal with us. We make an alliance so we free both our people trapped in Mount Weather. After many trails and errors we finally make our way to the mountain. Bellamy had gone in days before. An inside man against my wishes but knew he had to.

As I stood at Mount Weather door I soon saw that Lexa would not be going through with our deal. She made another deal with the mountain men. Her people for ours. I watched as she left me on top of the mountain. Soon I find Octavia, alone. The grounder army gone. Bellamy opens the door only for us to have to come up with a new plan.

The new plan leads to where we are now. Standing in the control room staring at the multiple screens, watching as they prepare to kill our people.

Bellamy POV

Clarke stands looking at the screen as she watches her mom being put on the table. Monty turns to us and tells us that its ready.

"All you have to do is pull that lever." He says. Clarke puts her hand on the lever, tears are falling down her cheek. I move my hand over hers and she looks up.

"Together." She nods and we pull the lever down.

We wait, we hear the fans go off and then come back on. Sucking the air back into the mountain. We watch the screen as people start to burn. Their skin goes red slowly dying. We hear Emerson outside run away.

Clarke turns to the door and opens it. We walk out and into the hall. I hold my gun up prepared to fight. No one is there. We walk down the hallway to the elevator. We go down and I see Clarke is rubbing her hand together. I grab them and squeeze them. She looks up giving me a small smile.

The door opens and we walk towards the mess hall. We turn the corner, only to stop. Everyone is dead. People are lying on the floor or in their chairs. I see a soccer ball near the table. We walk past and stop when we see Jasper holding Maya.

"What did you do?" He looks at her. He bends his head and cries into Maya's chest. Octavia comes over and bends down beside him. She urges us on and we walk past towards the room where they have our people. We walk in and see everyone attached to walls. I run over to Kane.

"Are you okay?" He nods.

"Grab the keys, the guard had it." I run over to the dead guard and find the key in his pocket.

I grab it and run back to Kane. I unlock the cuffs and then move onto the next. I turn to see Clarke standing by her mom. Kane is beside her. I unlock the others and we start to make our way out. Abby is put on a stretcher and Wick carries Raven. We slowly make our way back to camp.

Clarke is quiet on the way back

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Clarke is quiet on the way back. I walk beside her in silence. As we walk through the woods I think of all we've been through to save our people. When we get to camp I make sure everyone gets in. The last to walk in is Clarke and Monty. I turn to see Monty hugging Clarke. He walks past me smiling. I turn to Clarke and she is looking past me. I turn to see her mom being helped. I turn back to her and walk up beside her. We stare at our people.

"We deserve a drink." I say.

"Have one for me." She says, sadly.

"Clarke. What we did, we had no choice."

"I know. But I can't face them after everything I did." She turns to me.

"Please come in." She shakes her head and looks away from the camp.

"If you need Forgiveness, fine i'll give it to you. You're forgiven. Please, come inside." My please is a whisper. She looks up at me, tears in her eyes.

"I bear it so they don't have. I need to leave. Please let me." She moves towards me, rapping her arms around me. I put my hands around her holding her close. She moves her lips to my cheek, kissing it then she moves her lips to my ear.

 She moves her lips to my cheek, kissing it then she moves her lips to my ear

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"May we meet again." She whispers before backing up. She turns around and walks away. I want to call out to her. To run to her but I know that she won't come.

"May we meet again." I say before turning back around. I walk into camp and hear them close the gate. I walk into the ark and right I to the medical wing. Abby is lying on a bed, Kane beside her. She looks up when I come in.

"Bellamy, what is it?" Kane gets up.

"Its about Clarke."

"What about Clarke?" Abby straightens up.

"She left." I say, looking down.

"What do you mean, she left?" Kane moves towards me. I look up, tears running down my eyes.

"She couldn't bear it after what she did to these people. So she left."

"Where did she go?" Abby look at me, tears running down her cheek too.

I shake my head. "I don't know." We stand there in silence, tears running down Abby and my own cheek. Finally I leave and walk towards the room that Clarke and I were sharing while here. I walk in, closing the door.

All her stuff, her clothes, her art, is here. A desk in the corner is filled with sketches and plans. I go over to it, throwing everything off. I scream. I scream till I fall to the ground. It hurts so much. She left me, leaving me alone. I cry into my hands. The door clicks open then shuts. I glance up as Octavia sits beside me.

"I heard what she did." She raps her arms around me. I place my hands over hers letting her comfort me.

"I love her, O. I always have."

"I know. You'll get through this. I promise." She kisses my cheek and holds me close to her. We haven't don this since before she was taken. I breath her in and it helps. It helps the pain i'm feeling. We stay like that till dark, till I fall asleep in Octavia's arms.

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