I Will Never Leave You Again

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Bellamy POV

We arrive back at the village. Murphy leads us to her house where Abby and Kane are being held. I rush in as Jackson follows us. 

"What happened?" Kane asks as I place her on the table. Raven takes off the collar as Abby and Jackson get to work. 

"McCreary shocked her before Bellamy put a bullet in his head." Murphy says. I smooth my hand over her hair. Glad that Madi is not here. 

"Her neck is burned." Abby says to Jackson. 

"Will she be okay?" I look at them. Abby looks at me, worried. 

"I don't know. She's breathing but with the amount of voltage that went through her body I just...." She chokes up. 

"It's hard to say how much damage was done." Jackson finishes. 

"There are machines on the ship. What if we took Clarke there and checked her out?" Raven says.  We all look at her before looking back at Abby and Jackson.

"That would be a good idea." Abby agrees. 

I pick her up again, walking behind them as we make our way back to the ship. Hoping whatever is on board can save Clarke. 

Clarke POV

"I don't know. She's breathing but with the amount of voltage that went through her body I just...." Mom starts to choke up. The voices growing muffled. 

"It's hard to say how much damage was done." Jackson finishes for her, his voice a little clearer. Closer to me than mom. 

"There are machines on the ship. What if we took Clarke there and checked her out?" Raven speaks but I can barely hear her. 

"That would be a good idea." Mom agrees. 

Strong arms pick me up. I try to move or open my eyes but can't. Slowly a weight of darkness descends upon me, taking me somewhere else. 

I open my eyes, finding myself in my old cell. The room full of pictures. I stand up shocked and confused. 

"What am I doing here?" I ask. 

"You are here because of me." I turn eyes growing wide. A.L.I.E stands behind me. I remember her visiting me when I fell unconscious before finding the valley. 

"How are you here?" I frown. "I killed you. I pulled the switch." 

"And I saved you, again." She tilts her head. 

"You were there when I almost had Madi." I stare at her. 

"I was." She steps closer. "I helped you have the strength to bring your daughter into this world. A strength you couldn't have done without Bellamy."

"You put him in my mind?" 

She nods. "And now I will return you to him." She steps closer. I take a step back till my back hits the metal wall. I turn my head seeing a picture of Bellamy beside me. 

"Clarke, please!" Bellamy's voice fills the room. i look around wondering where it is coming from. 

"He's waiting." I look back at her. She smiles stepping back. Soon disappearing. I look around hearing his voice again. 

"You're a fighter, now wake up!" 

I close my eyes, darkness taking over me only for strong arms to go under my head. I cough opening my eyes. 

My neck hurts, actually my whole body. I blink, adjusting to the light. I move my face finding his eyes staring at me. Relieved. 

I sit up wrapping my arms around his neck, holding him tight. 

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