Safe for Now

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Clarke POV

Bellamy and I make our way down to the ground. Looking around I see people lying on the ground injured or dead. Bellamy takes my hand. I smile at him and then look at the people walking around.

"How do we tell these people that in six months they'll all be dead?"

"We don't, at least not right now." I look at him.

"Thank you for keeping me safe." I lean up kissing him.

"You don't make it easy." He laughs. We go and try to help people but soon we are not needed because of what we did. I turn to see mom and Kane are down. They look around before looking at us.

"Help someone's hurt, we need a healer!" We hear someone call.

"They need a doctor." I tell mom. "Tell Raven about the radiation." Bellamy nods taking out his radio and walking off. I run after mom towards where we see Roan being taken down by his soldiers.

"It's Roan." I say to mom. We kneel beside him looking at his wounds when I feel a sword near my neck.

"Get away from our king." I glance over my shoulder at the girl from the mountain. The one Bellamy told me about. She looks over my head at the Azgeda warriors. "Take the King to the tower." I look forward as the warriors pick Roan up, taking him towards the tower. 

"You're making a mistake. We're part of the coalition." Kane says.

"I can help save him but you have to let me." Mom says.

"We have our own healers." She says. The warrior pulls me up, sword still at my neck. I keep my hands up, showing her I am not a threat.

"Echo." Bellamy pushes through the crowd.

"Bellamy, don't." I tell him but he walks past Kane who grabs his arm before he gets close to me.

"Let her go Echo."

"Stop." Kane tries to hold him back.

"Let her go!" He yells.

"Back off Bellamy or she dies."

"Your King is my friend. We tried to help each other with the city of light. Let me help save him." I stare out the corner of my eye at her. I see her consider it.

"Thank you for destroying the city of light." She says before pushing me towards Bellamy. He catches me bringing me close to his chest. I turn to look at her.

"The city is ours! No one leaves." She walks past us with a few soldiers. I look at her as she leaves then at Bellamy.

"Now what?" He ask's as we watch the ice nation soldiers.

"I don't know."

A few hours later we manage to gather our people and go through the tunnels in the secret room.

"Is that everyone?" Kane ask's Miller.

"Yes. Except..." We all look at Miller.

"Except who?" I ask moving forward.

"Abby and Octavia are trying to help Roan." Kane says facing me. "You need to go."

"No not without them."

"They'll be fine. They found a way into the tower to help Roan. I'll stay to make sure they succeed and then will be on our way."

"I hope they know what their doing because if Roan dies then the coalition ends. Ice nation will take out everyone. Destroy everything before..." I look at Bellamy.

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