Acid Fog

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Clarke POV

Finn, Wells and I walk out of camp towards the river we saw earlier. We walk along till we find a door.

"Hey look at this!" Finn calls us over. He opens it to reveal a bunker of some sort.

"It's a bunker, we can check it out later. Right now we need to focus on Jasper." I say walking past them and towards the river. We get to the river and Wells see's the seaweed we need. Finn and Wells try to figure a way in so I look at the river and then walk in.

"I guess we can do that." Wells says. I come out of the river handing the seaweed to Wells. He puts it into his pack when we hear a horn.

"What is that?" Finn says as birds fly out of the trees. We look behind us to see yellow fog coming towards us.

"We need to get out of here." I say and we run.

Finn runs ahead of us, opening the door to the bunker. We climb down, closing the door behind us. We hear it rush pass over us. Finn lights a match, he looks around the room till he see's a candle. He lights it and then holds the candle up, looking around. I follow his gaze. We find a couch, a table and a shelf.

"I guess whoever made this didn't make it." Wells says looking at a picture of a family. I look down at the picture he's holding before looking up.

"We will stay here till the fog passes and then move on." We nod our heads and settle in. Wells comes over to me and sits beside me.

"Hey, how you've been doing?"

"Not now, Wells." I get up and walk over to Finn.

"You should talk to him. He's your friend." Finn says. I look at him and glare.

"He got my dad floated. He turned him in after I told him that there was a problem with the oxygen. That we didn't have enough."

"Is that true that there isn't enough oxygen?" Finn looks at me then Wells.

"Yes. In a few months the ark will be out of oxygen. The ark is dying." I look at him and see his fear.

"That's why we are down here, isn't it? They need a solution and we are that solution."

"We where the solution but we have no way of contacting the ark." Wells says, looking at my wristband. "Even the wristbands can't help us. We're on our own. No one can help us." Wells looks away and I see that something is hurting him.

"Wells. I need to know. When I talk about my dad you look sorry but I see something else. Did you really turn my father in?"

"Clarke." He turns and looks at me. "You know me. I would never hurt you. I didn't even tell anyone you where dating Bellamy."

"You're dating Bellamy?" Finn asks. I ignore Finn, looking back at Well's.

"Who turned my dad in?"

"I won't tell you. I can't do it. I won't make you hate them." I look at him and then sigh. I sit down on a chair near by and feel the tears come.

"You have always done what was right for me. How can you forgive me? I treated you like crap."

"It's already done." He comes over and grabs my hand. I hug him, holding him close.

After a few hours we emerge out of the bunker to no fog. We walk back towards camp when we hear a scream. We run towards the scream to find a young girl standing near a boy who is covered in blisters and welts. Bellamy runs in after her. I run over to the girl, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey, you're okay." I whisper. "What's your name?"

"Charlotte. I was walking through the forest with some others, looking for some food when I came across him. I'm sorry I screamed."

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