Your Fight Is Over

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Clarke POV

We all look at each other before getting to work finding him. We look through the ark. Monty, Harper and Miller are missing. Soon Raven, Octavia and Jasper go missing. I go around a corner when I see a small toy on the floor. I walk towards it looking around. Soon red gas fills the room. I look around and see a man in a mask behind me. He attacks me and I hit him. I get up running out of the hallway. I run all the way outside to find Bellamy across the ground. I run into him.

"Clarke." He catches me and I look up.

"I think he has everyone." He stares at me and I look up into his brown eyes.

"We'll get them. I promise." I nod and we get to work trying to free our friends.

Bellamy POV

We walk through the halls looking for any sign of Emerson and the others. We walk into the main room. Lying on the floor is Sinclair. Clarke kneels down, feeling for his pulse. She looks up at me shaking her head.

"Dead." Clarke says.

We walk through the hallways across the room and find Emerson near an airlock. We stand around the corner peeking out to get a good look.

"He's there." I whisper to her. We move back.

"He has them in that airlock." She says. "I have to go or he'll kill them."

"No." I look at her. Wide eyed.

"Promise me you'll let me do this." She pleads.

"No. Your out of your mind if I'm letting you do this alone."

"Bellamy I need to do this. He blames me for what we did."

"You through?" She nods. I grab her hands staring into her eyes. "I am not losing you. I lost you once and I'm not going to let you get killed because of this stupid plan."

"You got a better plan?"

"You distract him, I'll shoot." She looks at me before nodding.

"Okay." I get my gun ready and she rounds the corner. "Emerson." He turns to look at her.

"If it isn't the mighty Wanheda. You can tell Bellamy to come out."

"I don't know what your talking about?" I stiffen.

"Come out Bellamy with your hands up or your sister dies." I stiffen more looking around the corner. He moves towards Octavia and hits her. She falls crying out. He starts to beat her finally I round the corner holding my gun up.

"Stop." He stops looking at me.

"Good. Come here." I put the gun down and walk past Clarke looking at her. She looks at me, tears coming in her eyes. Emerson ties me up in the airlock with the others. He walks out and grabs Clarke. He puts her in a choke hold.

 He puts her in a choke hold

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"You murdered 381 people. You took the lives of my children, my brother, my friends. Do you think I would be happy with killing all those people in Mount Weather?" We all look at him, Clarke looks up at him and then at me. "No. That wasn't enough. But this will be. Having you watch everyone you love die and then killing you." He hits a button that closes the airlock. I watch it close. Clarke's eyes fill with tears.

"I Love you!" I shout as it locks. He hits another button, turning on the fans to suck the air out. I feel my throat constrict, closing from not getting enough air. Octavia looks at me, tears falling down my eyes.

"Please don't!" I hear Clarke yell. 

It's so hard to breathe that I don't hear the door open. The air comes back in and I cough looking up. Clarke stands there. Relief on her face. She runs over untying my hands. I grab he, pulling me against her. I close my eyes as she relaxes in my hold. 

"I thought I would lose you." She cries against me. I pull back looking at her.

"You'll never lose me." I kiss her and then turn to help untie the others. We all look down at Emerson's body. Clarke had put the flame into his head and it liquified his brain.

We head out of the ark to where Lincoln is. I carry Sinclair with Miller. We lay him on the pile of wood. Raven and Octavia step up, Octavia holding a torch.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Octavia says. Your fight is over.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Everyone says. I say it afterwards. I look at Octavia and then at Clarke. Clarke grabs my hand squeezing it. I look down at our hands intwine.

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