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Clarke POV

Polis was in chaos because the Heda is dead. We went to the flame keeper, Titus to ask what was going on.

"As you know the Heda is dead. Azgada has taken over Polis but hasn't been able to infiltrate the tower. I'm surprised you made it up here." He turns to look at the throne that Lexa once occupied. "Azgada has there own nightbleeder. She has killed all the other nightbleeder's. Their is no one but her to become Heda." I move forward towards him.

"How can we help?" I ask. He turns and looks at me and the others.

"You can get this out of Polis." He hands me a small case with a skull on it. Titus leans forward, whispering in my ear. "Ascende superius. This is the pass phrase." I nod as he walks out of the throne room.

"We need to get out of Polis."

"It will be hard now that we know Azgada is here." Kane says.

"There has to be a secret tunnel of some sort."

"There is. It's how we got here in the first place. Follow me." Bellamy says. 

We go down to this secret room that is like a temple. A pod ship is in it. I try to get a look but Bellamy grabs my hand, leading me to a portion in the wall that's open. Bellamy walks through first pulling me behind him. I look behind at the strange things before looking forward. We follow the tunnel till we get to the forest.

"Well have to circle around to get the truck and rover." Kane says. We walk in the direction they are but stop when we hear footsteps. We crouch down and see our people walking into Polis. Jaha is leading them.

"What are they doing?" Kane whispers. We watch how they go around the tree's with ease. I spot Raven at the back on a horse.

"Raven." I say. Bellamy nods. We make our way slowly down the slope towards Raven. She is farther away from the others. Octavia takes out a reaper stick, Lincoln starring at her but doesn't question it. Bellamy pulls her down and Octavia steps it into her neck before she can say anything. She goes slack in Bellamy's arms.

"Here I'll carry her." Lincoln says. Bellamy passes him Raven and we make our way to the vechale's. We get to them to find the three guards missing.

"Where are they?" We look around but see no sign or body.

"Whatever happened to our people has happened to them." Kane says. "Miller you drive the truck." Miller nods and we get into the trucks. Octavia and Lincoln get into the back with us as well as Monty. Harper goes to the truck.

The truck backs up and then the rover does

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The truck backs up and then the rover does. We drive out of there heading back to Arkadia to find our what happened to our people.

"What do you think happened?" Monty ask's leaning forward.

"I don't know." I say looking at Bellamy.

"I have been watching Jaha for the last week and noticed whoever came to him always followed without question right away. They didn't seem harmless so I never questioned it." He looks at me before focusing on the path. After a few hours we arrive back to Arkadia. The gate is open, the place deserted.

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