New Life

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Months have passed. Everyday I call Bellamy. Gives me something to do even if he can't hear me.  Rubbing my stomach I sit at the table outside drawing. I stare down at my book that I found. The picture of Bellamy almost done. I have drawn my mom and dad. The ark and a few of our adventures that are ingrained in my brain. 

Setting the piece of charcoal down, I look around this village. Wishing that everyone I love could be here. The baby kicks reminding me that I'm not completely alone. 

"You will love this place." I smile as the baby kicks again. I look up listening to the birds sing. "It is so full of hope and promise for a brighter future. Can't wait for you to see it."

That night I have a hard time sleeping. The baby has gone quiet. I know that nay day now it will come. I am not ready. He should be here. I don't want to do this by myself. I sit up, tired of trying to find a comfortable spot. I lean my head back, closing my eyes. Soon sleep finds me. 

I am walking through the ark. Looking around I wonder how I got here. I take one step at a time. Looking down I see I am no longer pregnant. This doesn't make sense. 

As I keep walking I soon hear laughter. I follow the sound stopping when I come to a large area. I stand at the doorway watching as everyone I love sits around a table laughing and eating or drinking. I stare at them, seeing how happy they are. 

"There you are." I look up as Bellamy stands up walking to me. "What took you so long?" He asked. 

I go to open my mouth when a child cries behind me. I turn seeing a baby in a cradle. Smiling I walk towards it. I gently pick up the baby, cradling it in my arms. Turning to show Bellamy I stop when I find them all gone. 

"Bellamy?" I step forward wondering where he went.

"This is your journey." I turn seeing A.L.I.E behind me. "And yours alone. No one else can do it for you."

"What are you doing here?" I frown, cradling the baby closer. 

"Preparing you for what's to come." She smiles. 

I open my mouth only for the baby to disappear, replaced by a large stomach. I look at her, confused. I open my mouth again only for a sharp pain to move across my back to my stomach. I double over, breathing heavy. Looking back at her with tears, I try to stand up straight. 

"Remember too breath." She disappears. I close my eyes as another pain comes over me. 

My eyes snap open as I cry out. I am back in my room. Taking deep breath's I slide off the bed, holding onto it as I make my way towards the window. I look out as rain hits it. I watch the rain counting as each contraction comes. 

That dream felt so real. Like he was really here. Too bad he's not here. I pace the room, hoping walking will help. As hours pass the pains become closer and closer together. 

Night falls. I lay in front of the fire I made. Dry blankets around me. Taking another deep breath I feel the urge to push. I grab the end of the bed, getting up onto my knees. Gripping the bars I use all my strength, pushing. 

I stop, taking another deep breath. I push again with no results. I lean my head against the bed frame, exhausted. I turn my head to the side unsure if I can do this. 

"Breath." His voice fills my ears. I close my eyes imagining he's here. 

"I wish you were here." I whisper. 

"I am." I open my eyes. Bellamy leans beside me, smiling. "I am always here. Now I need you to breath and push." He urges me.

"I can't." I cry.

"Yes, you can." He moves behind me. Like he's here helping me. He puts his arms under mine, holding me up. "You can do anything. You are strong, you have survived the ground, war, Praimfaya. You can survive this. Now push." 

I grip the bars again baring down. His words give me strength. I push with everything I got. I push again and again. Finally I feel the baby slip out of me. I grab it before it can fall onto the ground. Bellamy disappears. Fading back into my memory. 

I stare down at the squirming infant as it lets out a cry. I take another breath as I sit back, holding the baby against my chest. Tears fall down my cheeks as I look down at her. A girl. Dark patches of hair fill the top of her head. Just like Bellamy's. She quiets, opening her eyes. Blue just like mine. 

After a little while, I finally get up. I move to the bed, lying with her against my chest. Exhausted but good. Happy. I stare down at her as she falls asleep. My daughter, our daughter. I smile thinking of the day that Bellamy comes down. 

"My little princess." I chuckle thinking of Bellamy. How he use to call me that. "I promise to love and take care of you." I kiss her head. "Madi." I whisper against her head. I pull back looking down at her. Your name is Madi."

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