Not the Ending, Just the Beginning

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We walk into the village to find people working together. Men and woman walk in with fish. Others sit by fires talking. This is what I always wanted. A community of people, all living in peace. 

"Mama!" I turn towards the voice. Madi runs across the village as fast as she can. I kneel down catching her in my arms as she jumps at me. "I missed you." She snuggles into me.

"I missed you too." I kiss her head. 

"Careful." Bellamy warns. "She's still a little sore." Madi pulls back looking at Bellamy and then me. 

"Did the bad people hurt you?" She asks. "Daddy wouldn't let me come to you."

"They did." I smile, trying to reassure her. "But I am all better now thanks to grandma and Jackson."

"Auntie O locked up the other prisoners that didn't die."

"She did, did she?" I look at Bellamy.

"Kane and Indra convinced her to let them live. They are locked up in the ship."

"What about the prisoners that are still asleep?" I ask, standing up, holding onto Bellamy.

"None of them where asleep. All woken up when Diyoza took Murphy and I." Raven steps up to us with Zeke, the pilot.

"So there is just an empty ship laying in space?" I look between the two. 

"For now. Maybe one day we'll use it but we have no need. Everything we need is here." She looks around. 

"Monty is already growing crops. Is even learning from some of the others about different crops. Former Shadow Valley people are really helping. This was there land so they know it the best." Bellamy says. 

"Can I go play?" Madi asks. 

"Yes but not near the east field. That is where they are working." Bellamy calls to her as she runs off. 

"I am surprised she asked. She never asked me if she could run off to play." Bellamy helps me walk further into the village. 

"She had no need. It was only the two of you, now there are more people. We got rid of all the traps you had set for the prisoners." I chuckle remembering how many got hurt because of those traps. 

"They were genius." Raven comments. "Made it seem like there was more of you when there wasn't."

"Had to do something." I smile. Bellamy helps me into my house. I stop seeing how clean it is. 

"Your mom, Emori and a few other woman wanted to thank you by cleaning up the place." Bellamy whispers. 

I step forward seeing how neat and tidy everything is. All the medical equipment gone. A large table in the middle with chairs around it. Behind the table I look pass to the bedroom. I walk around it seeing my bed and Madi's, all neat with new blankets. I turn, not sure what to say.

"You do so much for everyone else. It's time for us to help you." He pulls me against him. I close my eyes, leaning my head against his chest. I have never received anything like this. 

Even when we were on the ark I never received anything like this. Bellamy would use some of his rations to get me art supplies while I used mine to get fabric or clothes for his family. Nothing new. That wasn't the way. We had to share everything on the ark. 

I pull back looking up at him. 

"Thank you for always taking care of me."

"You don't make it easy." He jokes, smoothing his hand along my cheek. I laugh looking at the bed. Six years is a long time. I look back at him to see him staring at me. "What are you thinking?"

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