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Clarke POV

I sit there waiting for Octavia to speak. To tell me what happened.

"It was hard. At first we had a council. Everyone would bring their grievousness but it became difficult. Nobody knew how to punish anybody. Finally Skaikru decided they deserved to have the farm. They held it at gun point. No one could get in but..." Her face softens a little.

"Jaha." I say and she nods. "I wondered why I didn't see him."

"He knew how to open the door in the last level. We went down there but he wouldn't open it until he knew that I made it to the door. I killed the grounders who didn't want to be apart of Wonkru. That's when I knew that something had to change. I went back to Jaha with Abby and Kane but it was to late. He had been stabbed earlier but it was too far gone. He died surrounded by his people." Her lips lift a little.

"I know you never like him. After what he did." I say grabbing her hand.

"Yeah. But seeing him die after helping us was hard. He had always been there, even if I hated him. He was there helping us." I nod. "After he died I went with Indra and Miller to see the ones who had held the farm from us. Bellamy always read me books about the roman empire and I read once about the gladiators. I thought that we could be like them. They fought for their freedom so I gave them that choice. If they did anything against Wonkru, then they would go into the pit." I squeeze her had and she looks up. "It must be strange to look at but it works."

"It is strange but I see now why you did it. I understand that you had to make a decision that was hard. This allowed you all to live." She smiles and then the door opens. Millar walks in.

"The ship is approaching." Miller says. 

Octavia nods, standing up. She grabs her jacket looking at me. I watch as she puts it on before following Miller out of the room. 

I sigh looking around. This room was the last place I stood before Bellamy and I left. I walk to the stairs looking up at them. Images of holding a gun in my hand, pointed at Bellamy fill my mind. So many memories, not all of them good. I walk up the steps, stepping outside. As I walk towards the tents I spot Octavia speaking to Echo with Bellamy behind her. 

Bellamy turns his head looking at me. He looks back at them before walking over to me. He turns stopping beside me as we watch them. 

"She's giving her instructions." He says.

"What instructions?"

"Echo's defecting." He says sadly. Frown on his face.

"What?" I face him. He exhales facing me. 

"Its the only way."

"She can't leave. If she does then it will be worse." I start to walk towards them when Bellamy grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Clarke, you don't understand." He turns me. 

"Then make me." My eyes go wide, pleading with him not to do this. He loves her. He can't loose someone he loves again. 

"Echo is defecting so that we can take down Dyozia once and for all. After that..." He pauses looking away.

"You'll leave with her." I comment. He doesn't answer. I nod slowly before turning to walk to my tent. He grabs my arm but I shake it off. 

I step into the tent to find Madi playing with her bunny. I kneel in front of her, seeing her father in her but also seeing me. The fighter I use to be. 

"What is it, mama?" She asks, frowning. 

"Nothing." I smile, trying to put on a brave face. Trying to hide the truth from her but I have made up my mind. With Echo defecting it proves that we need to go too. Mom is there. She will help us persuade Diyoza to let us stay. 

"You know how I said daddy loves you?" She nods. "I was telling the truth. He does love you and he would do anything to protect you. It's just that Auntie O might not feel the same."

"I don't understand?" She stares at me, confused. 

"We're leaving." I place my hands on her arms. "Tonight. We'll get on that ship, defecting with the others."

"What about daddy? Is he coming too?" She asks. 

"Not right now. He needs to stay. He'll come to the valley soon." She nods hugging me. I leave her to pack stepping out of the tent. 

I spot Echo and Bellamy kissing. He smiles at her before letting her go. I quickly look away when he spots me, embarrassed. I look back as he walks towards me. 

"She's going." He nods looking in the direction she went. 

"Come on, we should get to the bunker." He starts to pull me towards it when I stop him. He looks at me, confused. 

"We're not going with you." I say sadly. "Bellamy, we're leaving too."

"What?" He looks around, shocked. "No. You can't. I won't let you take..."

"I'm not taking her. I'm protecting her. Your sister is dangerous." I glare at him. 

"Please. You don't understand. Echo is defecting so we can safely go to the valley. So we can go home." 

"I want to believe you but can you say you trust your sister?" He opens his mouth only too close it. He doesn't trust her. He hasn't since we opened the bunker. "I want to trust her like we use to but after hearing what happened in the bunker. What she had to do to bring peace." I shake my head. "I'm sorry but..."

I turn to see Madi not in the tent. 

"Madi?" I rush towards it finding it empty. 

"What is it?" He asks rushing up beside me. 

"She's gone." 

We stare at each other, fear in our eyes. 

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