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Clarke POV

A week has passed since I became a prisoner. I stare out at Polis again like I do everyday. A strong wind picks up so I go inside. I find Lexa sitting on a chair looking at some of my pictures. I walk up to her and grab them out of her hand.

"Those are private."

"They're good." She says. Smiling at me.

"Why are you here?" I frown.

"I'm here to tell you that tonight you will be free to go home."

"Why? You went to so much trouble to catch me only to let me go."

"I went to all that trouble to save you."

"You know when I could have used saving. When you abandoned me at Mount Weather, that's when I could have used saving!" I turn around, I place the pictures on a nearby table, fuming. I stare down at the stack that she was holding. The top one is picture of Bellamy. I run my hand over it.

"I'm sorry that I betrayed you but I am here to offer another alliance. Kneel before me tonight at the summit and your people will become the thirteenth clan. Skaikru will be under my protection." I turn and stare at her.

"What makes you think I will kneel to you?"

"I know you will do anything to protect your people. I want to help." I stare at her and then turn around. I hear the door open.

"Your people will be here soon you should meet with them and tell them what is happening." I hear her walk out and then the door opens. A few hours later the door opens. I turn to see my mom. I run to her and throw myself into her arms. She raps her arms around me holding me close.

"Mom." I whisper into her ear.

"I missed you." She says and then kisses my head. 

"I missed you too." I smile looking around. 

"He's not here." Kane says. I nod understanding. He's angry, angry at me for leaving in the first place. 

"I'm sorry I left. I just..." I start to change the subject when she stops me. Hugging me again.

"Shhh. It's alright. Everything will be alright." She takes my hand and brings me to the bed. I sit down beside her and soon the others of Skaikru come in. Kane grabs a chair and sits in front of us.

"I'm glad to see your alive. When Bellamy came back hurt I didn't think we would see you again. I'm glad your alright." I smile at him.

"I didn't know if I would survive too. When I came here I thought Lexa would kill me but now I know she wants us to be apart of her coalition. She wants us to be the thirteenth clan." They look at me shocked and then Kane looks at the others.

"I'm not surprised." He says. We discuss a few things more before I am taken away. 

Woman help me dress. Braiding my hair and pulling it back, out of my face. Another woman places makeup around my eyes like the grounders do. The dress is tight, showing my form. I have never worn anything like this. Looking at myself I wish Bellamy could see me. 

Soon its time. I walk to the throne room and the doors open. Everyone is there. I walk up to Lexa and kneel before her. I bow my head and soon she tells me to rise. I move to the side as Lexa speaks to us all. Soon Kane and Abby agree to be apart of the coalition. Kane will bare the mark of the coalition. 

He gets the symbol burned on his ram. As they finish the door opens. I turn to see Bellamy, Octavia and the others, including people I haven't seen since the ark, come in holding guns up. I walk over to Bellamy, putting my hand on his gun. I try to push it down but he holds it firm.

"What are you doing?"

"Where here to get you out." He says looking over me.

"Why? Everything is going well."

"We were told..." He turns to look behind him. "Where's Echo?" He ask's Octavia. She shrugs looking around. He slowly starts to put his gun down. "I think we made a mistake." He puts his gun all the way down.

Kane comes up in front of me. "Stand down." All their guns are taken by other Shaikru guards. Bellamy looks at me and then I hear his radio go off.

"Bellamy are you there?" Raven says through the radio. Bellamy stares at my afce as he lifts his radio to his mouth.

"I'm here."

"It's gone. Mount Weather is gone. The grounders destroyed it." Raven says. I look down at his radio and then back at him. In my absence they have been using Mount Weather.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I'm so sorry. Gina died inside the mountain." His eyes grow a little wider as she continues to speak. I stare at him seeing that she meant something to him. He move on. "Sinclair and I are the only one's who made it out." I turn facing mom and Kane.

"What is she talking about?"

"We...Ah..." My mom stumbles on her words. Lexa steps forward.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I believe that my people where using the mountain for supplies as agreed. They must have been doing a run when they where attacked. But who attacked us?" I turn to my mom and Kane.

"I don't know." Kane says. He steps forward. "I will find out. I'm sorry we used the mountain and over used it. It was not apart of our deal to use it so many times. Except my apologies Heda." Kane bows in front of Lexa.

"Rise." Kane stands up and backs up to stand beside my mom. "The collation will stand. Skaikru will be the thirteenth clan." The guards cheer and I see many warriors grunt their disagreement. Kane tells the others to leave as he walks out. He stops at the door. I turn to Bellamy.

"Come with us." He says, his eye's plaid with me.

"Clarke needs to stay here as an ambassador in order to keep the alliance going." She looks at me. I look at her nodding and then at my mom. She steps forward.

"Be careful and come home soon." Mom asks, I nod hugging her before letting her follow Kane out. Bellamy walks pass her towards me.

"She left us to die in that Mountain! She will always put her people first. You should come home to yours." He says.

"I'm sorry." It is all I can say. I watch as he turns walking out, disappointment on his face. I look down turning to see Lexa happy with my decision. She would be. She gets what she wants.  

"You did the right thing." I walk towards her. 

"You better not betray me." I turn as my people walk out of the room. Bellamy stands at the back, his eyes still on me before he rounds the corner. 

"I won't." She says standing beside me. I take a deep breath watching them leave, wondering did I make the right decision. 


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