We Can't Save Everyone

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Clarke POV

We get to work removing the rubble from the destruction. Everyone is sad though and some even mad. The boy who came with Octavia name is Ilian. He destroyed the ark. Bellamy put him in a cell so that he would be kept safe from all the people who want him dead. I walk into the main area to find Bellamy talking with Monty. I walk up to them, Bellamy smiles when I approach them.

"Hey, how's Octavia?" He ask's.

"She's good. Resting and recuperating. Niylah's helping her." He nods, taking my hand and squeezes it. "What are you talking about?"

"Raven has discovered a way to make night blood. She is going to go into space but she needs all our fuel."

"Fuel, all of it?" I ask him. He nods.

"She wants us to bring it to her." He looks at me. "Want to go for a ride, princess."I smile and nod. Roan comes up to us.

"I can help." I nod and soon his men and ours load the fuel into the truck. Monty comes up to us.

"You're about to drive the last ten barrels of hydrazine known to man, a cargo which Raven needs every last drop of, through hostile territory packed with warring clans, over uneven roads where one serious bump could cause an explosion that would not only kill all of you but would wipe out mankind's only remaining chance for survival."

"What could possibly go wrong?" Roan says.

We climb into the truck and soon make our way to the island. We drive through the forest. Bellamy looking on.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"The ark would have saved you and our child." He says looking at me before looking back ahead. "Even if for some reason I didn't make it in, you and our child would be safe. I would know that." I grab his hand and bring it to my lips. I kiss his hand and hold it close to my stomach.

"Somethings wrong." Bellamy takes his hand back and I look up to see grounders blocking the road. Bellamy grabs the radio.

"Stay in the truck." He says. Bellamy gets out and I follow. "Clarke wait." I look over to see a man hurt.

"He's hurt." I run over hearing Bellamy sigh. I look down at him.

"My father," one of the grounders says, "the ice nation ran through our village, he was cut down by an axe." I look at his leg and then at Bellamy, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do." I say getting up.

"Can you get off the road. We need to move on."

"Hey are you going to Polis?" A grounder ask's.

"No we're not." Bellamy looks over. "Hey kid, get away from their." I soon hear yelling.

"Azgeda!" The boy yells. Bellamy and I jump into the rover and he drives off. The grounders try to attack us but manage not to. We drive till we come to a river. Bellamy gets out slamming the door. I climb out and follow him.

"Raven said nothing about a river." He says looking up and down the river.

"Ice melt." Roan says coming up beside us. "I can find a spot to cross."

"I'll help you." Bellamy says. They get into the rover and drive off. I wait with the others till I feel something at my back.

"Get into the truck." I turn to see one of Roan's warriors and everyone else dead. "Now!" He yells. I jump and walk over to the truck. I get in and turn the truck on. I drive away from the river, from Bellamy. I keep driving till we get to a field. It's been an hour since we have been driving. Bellamy will wonder where I am. I drive with a knife to my stomach. Please don't move the knife.

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