May We Meet Again

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Bellamy POV

"Five years. Can you really survive up their?" Octavia says through the radio. I radioed her when we found out what we were doing.

"Raven believes we can. O, there's something I need to tell you. Clarke's pregnant." I wait for her response.

"I knew it." She says. I smile. "She was always putting a hand to her stomach after we learned of priamfaya. I figured something was going on. I'm happy for you and can't wait to meet them in five years. I'll be waiting under the floor, again."

"Your not that girl anymore."

"Bellamy, they think I can do this but I can't. You or Clarke should be doing this, not me."

"You can do this. I believe in you."

"I love you, big brother." The static stops.

"May we meet again." I say and then realize the radio is dead. That means praimfaya has hit Polis. The door opens and I look up to see Clarke coming in.

"Do they have her?" She ask's. I stand up looking at her.

"The radio's dead. You don't get to say goodbye to your mom. I'm so sorry Clarke." Tears run down her cheek. I walk to her and pull her into my embrace. We rap our arms around each other and hold each other close. I kiss her head as the tears fall down my own cheek.

"Clarke. Bellamy. Get down here." Murphy calls. We walk down the stairs to find everyone in front of the screen. One of the droids is in Polis. I watch as a wave of fire hits Polis. Soon the droid is loses connection and the screen goes blank. I grab Clarke's hand and she looks at me. Fear on her face.

Clarke squeezes my hand as we stand in silence. Everything we knew is gone. Just like that. Priamfaya destroyed it all.

"It's 210 miles from polis. The death wave is excel-rating. If were not off the ground at least 20 minutes before it hits the rocket won't fly. That gives us 90 minutes to do a 6 hour pre flight check, retrieve the oxygen regulator, turn the cock pit designed for two into eight and round up enough food to last till the algae farms are ready."

"I thought you said it would be hard." Murphy says.

"That's not the hard part. Becca designed the rocket to dock with Polaris not the ark. I have to pilot it into the hanger bay myself."

"What's so hard about that?" Harper ask's,

"That's not the hard part."

"What is the hard part then?" Clarke ask's her.

"When we blast off in time, CO2 scrubbers on a two person rocket won't keep us all alive."

"We'll use our oxygen tanks then."

"Our tanks only hold an hour of oxygen." Monty says.

"Correct. We'll have one hour to get into space, land in the hanger bay, and fire up the life support using an oxygen generator from a lighthouse bachelor pad."

"You suck talking people into things, you know that right?" Murphy says.

"Anyone need to be talked into any of this still." I say looking around. "Raven you told us how to die now tell us how to make it all work." She nods and we surround the computer as she gets to work telling us what to do to make the ship fly.

Clarke POV

I feel hot. Like I'm running a fever. I walk into the lab's main room with a box of food I found. I see Bellamy staring at the rocket.

"Hey you okay." I ask him setting the food down on the table.

"Grounders in space." I look down to see Emori and Echo putting seats into the ship. "It's an Oxymoron."

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