Tears of an Angel

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Bellamy POV

When we came back from Polis to find out that it was Azgeda that attacked us. Lexa is sending her army to protect us and aid us. Kane goes out to meet with Indra so that he knows the plan. The people do not like that. Many see the grounders as the enemy. 

They soon want a new chancellor. Pike puts his name forward. After a disagreement Pike and myself with some others are put in jail. To stop us from killing the grounders. I shouldn't feel this way but I do. The next morning the results are in, Pike is the chancellor. Now that Pike is chancellor his plan to eliminate the grounders will go through. 

I pace my room thinking of her trapped there. She said she was sorry that she would be staying. I don't believe her. I believe she spoke those words so I would leave. 

"Bellamy Blake to the chancellor's office." The intercom says. I open my door and walk out. I walk to the chancellor's office. When I walk in I see a group of people.

"Tonight we go in. Ten guards. They'll be sleeping so well surprise them."

At sunset we move out. We walk out of Arkadia towards the grounder's camp using the tree's to cover us. When we get close the others take out the scouts near by. Once dead we move in. I shoot the grounders as they rush us or run away. Pike shoots Indra. I see her go down and run over to her.

I put my hand on her wound. Her eye's flutter open. She tries to back away but can't because of her wound.

"Stop. You'll hurt yourself more." Pike comes over pointing his gun at her head.

"Move Bellamy." He says.

"No." I stand in front of her. "We should leave her alive. She can give a message to the commander." He looks at me and then at Indra.

"You tell your commander that this land is ours and it belongs to us. Anyone who comes here will die." He walks away. I look at her before walking off. Once everyone is dead we make our way back to camp. 

I walk through the gates seeing everyone's faces. Octavia walks towards me. 

"Hey are you okay?" She asks but I ignore her. I follow the group stopping as Pike turns addressing the crowd of people that have gathered. 

"Everybody listen up. You elected me your chancellor twenty-four hours ago. Every action I have taken since and every action I will take will be to achieve one scared goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia." People agree, cheering. "This morning on the muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the grounders. This land is ours now!" People cheer. "Resist and you will be met with force. Fight and you will be met with death. Today is a new beginning, mark it down. Remember it just like the grounders will remember it." Everyone cheers but all I can do is stare at the man I followed. The man I followed to a field to kill three hundred people.

I turn to see Kane and the others staring at me shocked. As I walk forward Kane stops me.

"What did you do?" Kane ask's me.

"What was needed." I walk past him into the ark and back into my room. 

I take my clothes off and was the blood away. What have I done? Did I really kill all those people? I sit on my bed and soon feel the tears come. They slide down my cheeks, the realization that what I did can never be taken back. I have steeped along a path I can never get off. No one will ever forgive me for the sins I have done. 


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