The Mountain

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Bellamy POV

I remember very little of what happened after the drop ship door closed. All I remember is running out of the camp. I open my eyes to see I am inside a cave, next to grounders. The cave was dark and wet. I try to move my hands but find them tied behind me. I look down to see my feet are chained together.

I look up as a door attached to the cave opens. Men in suits come out with weapons. They usher us through the door and into a chamber. They line us up and soon others come in, spraying us down. Powder is thrown on us and they make us swallow something that I choke on. After they are finished they take me away and place me in a cage. I soon fall asleep in the cage. I dream of her. Her blond hair and blue eyes. Smiling at me as she lie's beside me. I move a strand of hair away from her face and kiss her cheek. She laughs as it tickles her. Soon the dream ends when I hear someone coming in.

I open my eyes and see a women coming around checking the cages. I close my eyes and then hear a bang of a cage below mine. After I hear the door close and footsteps walk away I open them to find blond hair below mine. I move and stare down.

"Clarke?" I say. She looks up at me, her blue eye's staring at me.

"Bellamy?" Her fingers go through the bar. I grab them, holding onto them. We hold onto each other through the thin bars that separate us, wondering what will happen next.

Few hours earlier- Clarke POV

I sit against the wall wondering why I am here. After a few hours I stand up walking to the window. Monty's door is open. I spot someone inside cleaning. I panic, scared that they hurt him. 

Looking around the room I spot a stand. I pick it up breaking the window. I open it, slicing my arm but I don't care. I have to find my friends. I walk over, holding a piece of broken glass. I grab the person, taking their helmet off. They panic as I ask them where my friends are. 

The girl starts to talk but I barely understand what she is saying. I get her to lead me to the elevators. She takes me to the fifth floor. We walk out once we arrive. Walking down the hallway we get to large room full of people eating. They all look up as I stop at the entrance. Screams fill the room as people panic rushing out. 

I watch the people seeing how many more people survived. We have seen hundreds of grounders not knowing that more have survived. We are really not alone. 

Guards finally show up. They take me to their infirmary, stitching up my cut. Once done a man approaches me. I stare up at him seeing that he must be in charge.

"Who are you?" I ask staring at him. 

"My name is Dante Wallace. I am the president of Mount Weather and you are Clarke Griffen. Leader of the sky people." He smiles at me.

"Why am I here? Where are my friends?"

"Everyone is fine. In a few hours I can take you to them. We have set out some clothes for you. When you are dressed and ready my men will show you where your friends are.

I stand up, getting dressed in greenish pants and jacket. I walk out of the room, following a guard. He helps me find my friends. We walk onto an elevator that goes up to floor five, I notice. We step off and he moves to the side. I walk off the elevator hearing people laughing and talking. I follow the noise when I walk into a large dinning area.

I head to the end of the room where my friends are standing there. I walkover when Monty sees me right away.

"Clarke." He comes over hugging me. Soon everyone else is hugging me. I back up, smiling at them but I frown soon.

"Bellamy?" Monty shakes his head.

"Haven't seen him. I don't think he made it." I look down, my hands gripped together. "I'm sorry, Clarke." He puts his hand on my shoulder. A young girl approaches me.

"Hello Clarke. I hope you find our introductory package good. Everything you need is in there." She smiles at me and then walks away.

I follow the others to our room. The room is filled with bunkbeds. I pick a bed sitting down. He can't be dead. I don't believe it. Others settle in and I look around. Mostly everyone is here but not Bellamy or Finn. I notice Raven isn't here ether. Maybe she was too hurt for them. 

After a few hours of resting, others start to go back to the common room. I walk down the hall looking down at my map. I see the medical wing so I head towards that floor. 

"Clarke, what can I do for you?" The doctor asks as I step into the room.

"My arm has been giving me lots of pain. I was wondering if I could have something for it?" I ask. 

"Of course. Wait here." She smiles walking out of the room.

I look around when I spot a young man at the end of the room. It looks like he is getting a blood transfusion. I look at the tubes attached to him, following them to the wall. The tubes are attached to the wall, strange. My eyes move to the wall where a large vent is. I look around seeing no one about before walking to it. I push the vent slightly down staring inside. I gasp, jumping back when I see a man hanging upside down. He has tubes coming out of him in different places.

I hear the door open. I quickly turn to see the doctor walk in. She steps forward and handing me  a bottle. I thank her before walking out. I look both ways trying to find the way out. If they can do that to the grounders what does it mean for us.

I am walking through a tunnel full of pipes, trying to find the way out when I am spotted. I look behind me to see guards chasing me. I turn a corner only to stop when I find more guards and another man standing there looking at me.

"Take her." He says. Three guards come at me. I turn to run only to run into another guard. He grabs my arms dragging me away. They take me back to the medical wing. Doctor Lorelei looks up from her desk as we walk in.

"What are you doing, Cage?" She ask's standing up.

"I heard from Norman over there that she found our little lab. You saw her and didn't report her."

"Your father ordered us not to hurt any of those people." Lorelei looks at me and then at the man she called Cage.

"Doesn't matter. Now we have another for our experiments. Put her in the cage." The guards push me through a door.

I turn my head looking behind me at them as they push me through the door. They strip me down, putting a white shirt and shorts on me. I try to protest when they stick a needle in my arm. Doctor Lorelei comes over, unlocking a cage. They throw me in one locking it before I can get to it. I look up to see a cage above me. I stare at them as they leave, leaning back. I hear rustling above me. I look up to see dark eyes staring at me.

"Clarke?" Bellamy says, voice raspy. He's alive.

"Bellamy?" I say smiling up at him.

He's weak. I can see that. I put my fingers up and he grabs them. We stare at each other for a long time. I feel tired and weak. Whatever they gave me makes my eyelids close. I lean against the cage and let the darkness claim me. 

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