Camp Jaha

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Clarke POV

The guards lead us through the forest. Finally we walk out of the tree's. I stop staring at the ark. They brought the ark down. The guard pushes me. I frown looking at him before glancing at Bellamy. 

He stares forward, alert. Jaha might have pardoned him but who knows what happens now. We walk pass the gate they are building. People stop staring at us. I can only imagine what we look like. The guards push us into the ark. As we walk down the hallway I spot a woman with her back to me. Even from behind I could recognize her. 

"Mom?" I cry. She turns fast. 

"Clarke?' She rushes over placing her hands on my face. 

"You're alive?" She nods pulling me against her as I sob. I wish I could hug her but the handcuffs make it hard. 

"Release her." Mom pulls back looking at the guards.

"Sorry. Can't." They push me pass her. I look back at her as they drag me down the hallway. We get to a room.

They unlock our cuffs pushing us inside. I rub my wrists as Bellamy rushes towards the door as they close it, looking us inside. He slams his hands against the wall, frustrated. 

"Bellamy." He turns looking at me. His face softens. I walk over letting him pull me against him. We're alive. That's all that matters. 

"We'll be fine. It's just protocol. Your mom will help us." I nod closing my eyes. 

We stay like that for a long time. Finally the door opens. Kane walks in. I push myself in front of Bellamy. Kane was one of the people to float Bellamy's mom. He also helped float my dad. 

"You are free." He looks at me. 

"What?" I frown, confused. 

"Your mother has made a good case. You are innocent." He steps back. I pull Bellamy when Kane stops him. "Not you."

"What do you mean?" I look at them both. 

"He needs to answer a few questions. Your friends told us a lot about what happened down here. Especially when the grounders attacked. I need to know everything." Kane and Bellamy glare at each other. 

"Go." Bellamy finally looks at me. "I'll be alright." I look at Kane before turning around. Walking out the door I watch as Kane closes the door. 

I sit outside waiting for him. Raven limps over. 

"Hey." I stand up, hugging her. I look down at her leg and then back at her, sympathetic.

"It sucks but it's alright." She smiles. I can see in her eyes she hates it but knows she has to live with it. 

Finally after a few hours Bellamy comes out. I hug him relived. Kane plan's to keep a better eye on him. He is not allowed to leave camp. 

Bellamy and I sit by the fire holding each other. Raven tells us that Finn left with Murphy. They went out looking for us, for me. I see on her face that Finn loves me. He had told me many times before Bellamy and I officially got back together. 

The next day Octavia shows up with news. Finn and Murphy are still hunting for our people. Bellamy, Octavia and I see go out to track them down. We soon realize that we would be swept up into war we never wanted.

 We soon realize that we would be swept up into war we never wanted

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