Shadow Valley

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Clarke POV

Bellamy follows as Madi drags me through the bunker. Luckily for us Monty loves technology and is good with machines. We walk in to find Octavia, Miller and Indra waiting. 

"Madi told us Raven made contact?" Bellamy asks. 

"We got word from Raven. Echo made it." Monty speaks. "She can bring down there defences so we can make it across the sand to the valley."

"So we can go home?" Madi asks. We all look down at her. I kneel down, smiling into her face.

"Yes. We can go home and bring our family home too." I look up at Octavia and the others. She smiles as I stand up. "So what's the plan?" I ask.

"Once we got word that she has them down we move out." Octavia says moving forward. "Monty has agreed to stay here and contact us as it goes up and down. Once we have defeated them, he'll come back with the rover." 

"We're walking?" I ask looking at Madi worried.

"She doesn't have to come." Octavia steps up to me. "I know you would be worried if she was there. You couldn't stay focus and we need you." She stares into my eyes. I stare into her own, seeing the girl I knew. She needs us. Even if we disagree, we are still family. "I never meant what I said." She apologies. "I was angry. Not at you but the situation that is before us. All we dreamed was to return to the ground above us. Never did we think we would be going to war the minute we returned." 

I let go of Madi hugging her. She returns the hug. We step back smiling. In order to move forward we need to let go of the past. 

She nods leaving us to talk to Madi. I kneel down pushing her hair back. 

"I'm not coming, am I?" 

I nod. "I'm sorry but it will be safer if you stay here with Monty and Harper."

"Who will take care of you?" She frowns. Worried. 

"I will." Bellamy puts his hand on my shoulder. Leaning over me. "Nothing will happen, I promise." She looks at him and then back at me. 

"Alright." She says sadly, pouting a little. I kiss her head turning her to face Monty and Harper. 

"Come on." Harper holds her hand out. Madi looks at me, hoping I change my mind. I nod, urging her to take it. She takes it, letting Harper pull her out of the room. I turn watching them as Bellamy puts his arm around me. 

"She'll be alright." I look up at him nodding. Monty fills us in on what we'll need to know. 

We leave holding hands. Fooling no one about our rekindle relationship. 

"Bellamy if something does happen to me..."

"We are not doing this again." he turns me to look at him, holding both my hands. "Nothing is happening to either of us. At the end of this war Madi will have both her parents."

"What will happen once we won?" I ask. "I know you love Echo...." He takes a deep breath, letting go of my hand. "I will not blame you if you choose to be with her."

"I love you." He grabs my hands again. 

"But you love her too." He nods looking down. I place my finger under his chin, pushing it up. "Don't rush, take your time. I have all the time in the world." I kiss his cheek, walking towards Jackson. He gives me a medical pack as Bellamy grabs his own. I stare at his face, seeing the fear. 

None of us wanted to fight another war. We thought we had left that behind when Praimfaya hit. 

"Let's go." Indra calls. 

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