A War We Started

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Clarke POV

That morning we head to the sight where we saw the drop ship go down. Bellamy leads us as we walk through the forest. I walk behind him, seeing his movements. He's on alert. He barely talked to me this morning. Last night we went to his tent and just held each other as tears fell. I think back to the day we met. I saw his back that day too.

I walked down the halls towards the common room. A young man walks in front of me. Short black hair and olive skin. He stops to talk to someone and I walk past him to see he is wearing an cadet uniform. I look back at him as I walk pass, staring at his dark brown eyes. He looks at me as I walk pass, smiling. I can't help smiling back. I look down, blushing. I walk into someone dropping my sketch book. A piece of charcoal that I was holding breaks against the metal floor.

The person I ran into says 'sorry' but walks away. I try to pick up the charcoal but it is to small. A hand grabs mine and I look up to see the boy.

"It's to late for that. I'm sorry." He says. I look up at him and see him staring into my eyes. I move my hand away as he picks up my book. He flips through the pages before I take it. I hold it against my chest and then walk pass.

"Hey," I turn looking at him. "What's your name, princess?" He asks.

"Clarke." I smile at him as I walk away. I catch a smile on his face as he walks down the hallway. I blush thinking of what he called me. If he only knew which station I was from. He wouldn't be calling me that.

We arrive at the sight. Everything is in pieces. Skelton's are scattered everywhere.

"Clarke shouldn't be here." I hear Finn say behind me. I look back at him and then forward.

"She's looking for answers." Raven says. I walk over to a body that is burnt to the skeleton.

"Clarke. Stop!" Raven calls. I stop walking looking around at the destruction before me. I am about to walk near some leaking fuel when a hand catches me. I turn to see Raven. "Careful. The fuel." I look back down at the fuel. "If it catches fire we're all gone." I look at her and then Bellamy calls us to fall out. I look behind at the ship and then walk up to Bellamy who is standing on the hill. I walk beside him as we leave.

"I'm sorry we didn't find anything." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder. I grab it, squeezing it before walking forward. We walk back in silence. When back at camp Finn comes up to me.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I nod and walk a little ways from everyone.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"I need your help. I have arranged a meeting with the grounders. Octavia's friend is helping."

"You did what?" I stare at him and am about to walk away when he grabs my arm.

"They will only meet if you come. They want our leader and I can't...I can't be the one. They want you."

"How did you arrange this?" I ask him. He looks away before looking over my shoulder. I follow his gaze when I see he is looking at Octavia.

"I followed her to the cave where her grounder friend lives. Talked him into setting up a meeting." He looks back at me. "He promised me that we can meet with their leader and talk."

"Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you."

"I am. You're sounding more like Bellamy."

"At least I'm trying to keep us alive." I look at him and then walk away. He grabs my arm again pulling me against him.

"This meeting is the only thing that will keep us alive. If you want to be a leader, then lead."

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