Healing Takes Time

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Bellamy POV

Miller and I lead the army through the gorge. Once we see them turn away we attack. They blast their large weapons, taking out many of ours. Miller and I dodge each attack making our way up the gorge. 

I shoot at each prisoner before me. Killing without mercy. Becoming the old Bellamy. The one who killed 300 grounders. 

Once all dead we make our way through the tree's towards the village. Some warriors stay behind to collect the wounded. We continue to make our way, killing any stray prisoners. We finally make it to the village. Slowing down, I spot Octavia and Indra waiting outside the village with other warriors. 

"The gorge is taken." Miller stops in front of Octavia. "All prisoners dead." 

"Good. We'll leave for the ship once Raven has sent word." She turns walking into the village. 

I about to follow her when Echo runs up to me. I am about to stop her when she kisses me. I put my hands on her waist, pushing her back. I stare into her face only to spot Clarke standing in the background, watching us. 

She turns walking back into the village. 

"I am so glad you are safe." I look back at Echo. 

"You too." I smile a little. I put my arm around her shoulder, walking into the village. 

Octavia is standing in the middle of town, going over the next attack. Clarke stands behind her, arms folded. I hurt her, again. I let go of Echo, stepping closer to hear the plan. 

"Clarke will stay here, help Jackson with the wounded. The rest of us will make our way to the ship. Diyoza will die today." She looks around the group. Everyone nods. 

Echo walks with some of the other warriors. I stay behind looking at Clarke. 

"I'm sorry Clarke." She stares at me before walking towards Jackson. I sigh. She told me she would wait but unfortunately I believe I just hurt her feelings. 

I turn walking towards Echo who is waiting for me. We follow Wonkru towards the ship. I hold my gun tightly. Keeping an eye out for anything. We arrive at the ship. The army spreads out, weapons pointed at the ship. 

I stare at it, remembering Clarke laying in a cell. The door is up with Diyoza and the rest of her people inside. 

"Diyoza!" Octavia steps forward. "Come out so we can talk!" She calls. 

We wait, watching. Finally the door opens. Diyoza stands at the top looking down at us. Her men beside her. I spot the man McCreay. The one that hurt Clarke. Slowly she walks down the door, stepping onto the ground. 

"I'm here." She holds her hands out, grinning. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Your men are dead." One of the warriors tosses a deactivated weapon. "We hold the village and the valley. It's over." Octavia glares at her. 

Diyoza looks at the army before her. Deciding what to do. She looks behind her nodding. I frown wondering what she is going to do. 

McCreary smiles pulling someone out from inside the ship. My eyes go wide as he drags Clarke out. Mouth gaged with a shock collar around her neck. the same one she had when I first saw her. 

I start to rush forward when Miller and Murphy stop me. 

"Let me go." I look at them.

"Not going to happen." Murphy pushes me back.   

"Have you ever been electrocuted?" Diyoza asks Octavia. "It's excruciating." She grins evilly. "Your friend here has had a taste. What would happen if we turned it up full voltage." I try to step forward again but Miller places his hand on my arm. 

"Don't." He warns. 

"Do I have your attention now?" Diyoza stares at Octavia. 

Octavia looks at me. No longer my sister but the warrior she has become. The leader she had to become in order to survive. She is not my sister but Blodreina. 

Everything moves in slow motion. I push pass Miller and Murphy as Octavia orders Wonkru to fire. Gun fire goes off, the prisoners ducking into the ship as the army charges. I duck, trying not to get hit as I make my way to Clarke. 

McCreary see's me rushing towards them. He smiles turning the dice on the remote he's holding. He turns it all the way. My eyes move to Clarke as she drops to the ground. 

"No!" I raise my gun shooting McCreary

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"No!" I raise my gun shooting McCreary. The bullet hits him in the forehead. His smile fades as he falls back like a log. I lower my gun grabbing the remote. I quickly turn the collar off turning to Clarke as she breathes heavy beside me. 

"Clarke?" I pull her onto my lap as her shaking stops. She breathes but her eyes aren't open. 

The shooting ceases. I look up as Octavia and the others rush up to us. Raven comes out of the ship with the pilot. 

"How did they get her?" I look at Raven. 

"McCreary found her after you left. She was outside one of the buildings, away from the warriors." Raven looks at me sadly. "He was always tacky like that."

"Will she be alright?" Murphy asks. 

"I don't know." I look back down at her. "Come on. Let's get her back to the village. We'll know more then."  

I scoop her up in my arms. As we all turn to walk I spot Echo staring at us. We stare at each other. silently telling each other that it's over. She turns following the other warriors out. I look down at Clarke. She lays in my arms, unconscious. 

I kiss her head before continuing towards the village, praying each step of the way that Clarke will be alright. She just has to be. 

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