City of Light

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Bellamy POV

I watch Clarke go still. "Clarke. Clarke!" I yell at her shaking her shoulder. "What do we do?"I look at Abby. Abby is about to talk when Clarke comes around. She looks up.

"Clarke. Are you okay?" She looks around at us before settling on me.

"I am. I know what to do. I have to take the chip."

"What?" Murphy steps forward.

"No Clarke. You can't she'll take you away from us. You'll be under her control."

"I'll be fine. The flame will protect me. I don't know how I just..." She looks at me. "Do," I smile at her squeezing her knee. I nod at Murphy to bring a chip.

"You be careful."

"I'll be fine." She leans forward kissing me.

"Do you know what your looking for?" Abby ask's her.

"I'll know when I find it." She looks up at Abby.

"May we meet again." Abby says kissing her head.

"We will." She smiles.

"We'll cover you the entire time. No one will get to you." She nods and then Murphy holds the chip out to her. She takes the chip and closes her eyes going to the City of Light. I watch her and then turn to look at the door. Abby and Murphy watch Clarke while I watch the door. No one will get to her.

Clarke POV

I walk through the city of light. It's so strange. Buildings we had seen in pictures towered over me. I looked around amazed but know I need to find the kill switch. 

As I'm walking through the streets I notice that nobody notices me. They can't see me. I walk on when I see an eight sideways. I follow it, as I walk I keep seeing it. I walk through the city of light till I get to some stairs but am attacked. I try to fight them but am pushed to hard. I feel weak. What is happening? I cough up blood when I hear a yell above me.

Someone jumps over me holding two swords. They kill the two people who attack me. They turn and I see the last person I ever though I would see. Lexa.

"Lexa." I whisper.

"Clarke." She runs over to me. Helping me up. I cough up more blood. "Clarke are you okay?" She ask but I can barely hear her. I feel weak and soon black out.

Bellamy POV

I watch the door when I hear Abby shouting.

"Clarke." I turn to see blood running down Clarke's nose. I run over, looking at her face.

"Clarke." I whisper. I grab her face. "You keep fighting." I say into her face. Abby gets Murphy to squeeze Ontari's heart. Soon Clarke's cheeks start to pink up. I squeeze her leg and then get up turning to watch the door.

Octavia runs in with Miller and the others. "They made it through. We tried the water but it didn't stop them." I nod and then look at Clarke.

"We need to give her time. We barricaded the door and wait." Soon the door is covered with whatever we find. "We don't kill. They feel no pain so it won't stop them. If Clarke is successful then we should get them back." Octavia nods and then looks at the others barking out orders. I stand waiting.

"Then we go for the knockout then." Miller says.

Abby grabs a gun and sits in front of Clarke. "Just in case they get past you." I nod and stand in front of her. Waiting. Waiting for our people to attack us.

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