Broken Heart

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I stare at Echo and Bellamy as they kiss. Yesterday he held my hand as we walked, then he laid beside me, holding me in his arms. I thought we were going somewhere. Why didn't he tell me?

I quickly look at Madi, smiling before turning to Octavia. I stop when I see her glaring pass me. Looking over my shoulder I see Bellamy and Echo staring at her, fear in their eyes. Good. They should be afraid. 

I set Madi down, holding her hand as we walk over to Octavia. We sit down beside her as Madi climbs onto my lap. Octavia looks over at us, smiling as she looks at Madi.

"Madi, I assume you know who this is."

"Auntie O." Madi smiles. She leans over to hug Octavia. Octavia moves her to her lap trying to not hurt her arm.

"I am so glad to finally meet you. Your mother told me lots about you." She smiles hugging her.

"I am so glad you are finally out." Octavia smiles, nodding. 

Madi starts to ask about the bunker but I quickly shoot that down. Telling her we need to go. That there will be lots of time for stories once back in Polis. She accepts my answer. Running over to the rover. 

I help Indra and Octavia into the rover. Cooper and Miller, Octavia's gourds come with us as Madi and I climb into the front. Bellamy, Echo, Monty and Harper will walk back with the one's who are not as injured. 

I drive back to Polis thinking of him and Echo. Madi sits beside me humming a lullaby that I use to sing to her. Haven't sang to her since those people took our home. After an hour she falls asleep. Octavia sits up, putting her head between us. 

"She's beautiful." Octavia says looking down at her. "She's lucky to have you."

"I'm the lucky one. She gave me hope when I had none. It was hard till I found the valley. I thought we would die, that she would never even get to live. Maybe that was a good thing. I didn't know about the valley then. It was just sand and storms."

"You survived though. You kept going, no matter what came before you. We both did." I grab her hand, squeezing it.

"We had it harder then them."

"That we did." She looks at me and I take my hand back focusing on the path to Polis. "So what did you think about when you saw him kiss Echo?" She ask's, straight faced. Angry.

"I know you banished her. She told us."

"That doesn't answer my question." 

I take a deep breath. "Six years ago I made the choice to sacrifice myself for them. I didn't know that I would survive so I knew that things might happen. I hoped he would forget me but a part of me hoped he didn't." I look at her. "I don't know what to think. I'm confused. I thought we were getting closer but now I see we are farther apart than we have ever been. Even when we were on the ark."

"The ark." She shakes her head. "Feels like that was forever ago."

"I know. So much has changed in seven years since we landed on the ground." She comments.

I smile looking up as Polis comes up. I drive straight to the bunker, parking beside the door. As I turn the rover off warriors come forward helping Indra and Octavia out. I climb out walking over to the passenger door. Opening it I stare at Madi for a moment. She smiles as she continues to sleep. I pick her up placing her head on my shoulder as I walk to a tent that is set up. 

I place her inside, putting a blanket on top of her before stepping outside. I look around before quickly jumping in. Jackson and I help the warriors as they finally come back. Once everyone is checked out I walk back to the tent as Madi emerges. 

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