We're Not Alone

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We run back to camp only to find it in chaos. People are taking off their wrist bands. I run up to Bellamy.

"What's going on?" I ask him, grabbing his arm. He shakes it off, glaring at me before looking at his friends beside him, smirking.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the princess is back. Did you find the supplies?"

"No, we where attacked." Just as I say this Finn walks in carry Octavia.

"O!" He runs over to her, taking her from Finn. "Thanks. What happened?"

"A creature attacked me when I jumped into the river. Jasper saved me." She says.

"Where is Jasper?" He asks. Octavia looks at me and I look down.

"He was attacked by whoever is out there. We never saw them but we're not alone."

"What do you suggest?" Bellamy stands up.

"We need to make a wall and weapons, just in case."

"In case they come back?"

"Yes. I believe they will." I say staring into his eyes. He nods his head and then calls for people to get to work. Finn comes up to me.

"That was great, but what about Jasper. Are you just going to leave him out there?" Finn ask me.

"No, I'm not. But first I need to help the others." I walk into camp and to the drop ship where Octavia is put. I start to work on fixing her. I stitch up her leg, binding it with ripped shirts. Bellamy walks in and stares at my wrist before looking up.

"Can I help you with something?"

"I need your wristband." He demands.

"Why?" I stare at him confused.

"They shouldn't control us. Why are you still letting them?"

"These wristbands show our vitals to the ark, as long as we're wearing them. We give them hope that earth is survivable, plus the only way the ark will think I'm dead is if I'm dead, got it?"

I walk past him only to have him grab my arm. I look up at him, our faces so close I could kiss him. We stare into each others eyes. Finally I yank my arm out walking out.  I stop at the edge of the ship looking around. 

My eyes land on Finn. He's nice, cute, safe. I walk over smiling, wanting to get away from the tension between Bellamy and I.

"So spacewalker." He laughs. "Want to go save someone with me?" He stares at me before nodding.

Wells comes too which I roll my eyes but I know we will still need someone else. I look over to some rocks, Octavia is sitting talking to Bellamy and a boy named Murphy. I walk up to them. He turns his head just as I stop behind him.

Bellamy POV

"We need to talk." She says. I stare at her seeing how serious her face looks right now.

"What do we need to talk about?" I turn my whole body, looking down at her.

"Japser was shot by a spear. I know he is alive. We need to find him and I heard you had a gun." I lift my shirt to show her my gun. "Good come with me."

"Why? Why should I come with you?" I ask her showing no emotion. She has no clue the hell I've been living this past year. 

"Because you want them to follow you, and right now, they think only one of us is scared." She looks at me, half-smiling before walking towards the forest. I sigh, following her. Finn and Wells follow behind us.

"Hey Murphy. Come with us." I call. He grabs a spear, following. After a few miles I stop, turning to Murphy.

"I'm getting that wristband." I say to him.

"How?" Murphy asks.

"If I have to cut her wrist off to get I will. One way or another. The princess dies today." He smiles as we follow them down through the tree's. We walk till Clarke puts up her hand.

"Stop." She says. "That's Jasper's cry." She starts to run and I follow.

We run into a clearing to see Jasper strung up. Clarke runs to free him but the ground bellow her gives way. She falls in and I quickly dive, grabbing her hand. I hold onto her as she dangles in the pit filled with spikes.

"I got you. Don't let go." I call to her.

She looks down and brings her other hand up grabbing mine. I hold onto her as the others rush forward helping me pull her up. She sits in front of me, breathing hard. I grab her face with one hadn't, staring into her eyes. She stares at me, mouth parted. Finally she smiles pulling away. Finn comes over helping her up.

"Are you okay?" He ask's. She nods as he hugs her. She looks over his shoulders, mouthing 'thank you.' I smile at her, nodding my head.

"We need to get him down." She moves to stand up and walk towards Jasper.

"Hey, I got this." Murphy says. Walking to cut Jasper down.

Finn stands up and goes to catch him. Murphy grabs him and puts him on his shoulder when we hear a growl. That's when a big cat comes at us. I go for my gun but it isn't there. I hear a shot. I turn to see Wells has it and has shot the cat. I look at him and nod my head before grabbing the gun. We carry Jasper and the cat back to camp. Clarke takes Jasper up to the top floor of the drop ship.

"Who wants to eat!" I call out. I drop the big cat and everyone cheers. We cut it and skin it, placing it on the fire. "If you want to eat you need to remove your wristbands."

I turn to see Clarke walking out of the drop ship. I stand there staring at her as Finn walks over to her. I look back at the fire, clenching my fists. I turn back when I hear her laughing. She smiles as Finn talks to her. Making her laugh. She use to laugh with me. They soon both walk over, Finn is about to grab some meat when I stop him.

"What do you think your doing?"

"You said no rules."

He grabs some meat and Clarke grabs a stick too, smiling before following him eating. Some others go to grab food but I push them away. I watch her walk into the darkness with Finn and I know I am losing her. Losing her to a better man.

Clarke POV

I walk with Finn a little ways. We sit and eat looking up at the sky. The stars shining down at us.

"It's so beautiful here." I whisper. He looks over to me and then he leans closer.

"You're beautiful." He says as his lips press against mine. I know I am suppose to feel something but I don't. There is no passion, no fireworks, nothing. We break apart when we hear a scream. I turn to see Octavia running towards us.

"Clarke we need you it's Jasper!" Octavia calls.

I pull away and look at him before getting up, following her into the drop ship. I climb up to the second level and kneel down beside Jasper. I feel his head and body. He is burning up with a fever. He starts mumbling something.

"Shh. You're okay. We'll get you better." I move a wet cloth over him, washing his body of the dirt and grim. I see that his cut from the spear was healed with, is that seaweed? I look at it closely before turning to Octavia. "Can you get Wells for me?"

"Yeah." She climbs down the ladder and a few minutes later comes back with Wells.

"Hey, Octavia says you need me."

"I need to know where this seaweed could be located. It would help him." I show him Jasper's wound.

"I know a place." He says, staring at the wound before looking back up at me.

"Good, let's go."

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