She Is

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Bellamy POV

We get to the ground unscratched and in one piece. Emori stare's at the panel, shock on her face.  I look at her smiling.


"We didn't die." She look at to me.

"No. We didn't." We laugh, relived that we made it. 

We all climb out of the rocket, taking our suits off before walking up the small hill. As we walk through the darkness some prisoners from the ship step out, guns pointed at us. 

"Stop. Hands up." One of them says. We all hold our hands up where they can see it, knowing if we don't we'll be shot. "Captain. We came across some more people." He speaks into a radio.

"What do you mean?" I hear a woman's voice over the radio.

"They where walking in the field. They're is five of them."

Clarke POV

She looks at her radio and then at me.

"You told me there was no one else."

"There isn't." I say looking confused. "I don't know who that is."

"Since they killed four of ours, kill four of theirs." She says into then radio. "That's what you get for lying." She leans into me.

"I'm not lying." I yell at her. 

McCreary comes in placing something around my neck. He drags me out of the building, pushing me down the stairs. I sit up on my knee's placing my hands around the collar when McCreary calls out to me.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you. Might shock your hands off." 

I remove my hands looking at him when he presses a button that sends an electric shock through my body. I fall to the ground as electricity flows through my body. It stops and I try to catch my breathe but it hurts. Who are these people? I look up at them and then he presses the button again causing me to fall over in pain.

Bellamy POV

I keep my hands up watching the men before us. I look over at Echo as she tries to move her hand to her sword.

"You're in luck. One of you gets to live." The man holds up his gun when we hear gunfire. One of the guards fall. We hear more shots and two more fall. A spear come's out of no where hitting one of the men. The last man turns and is about to shoot when a small figure comes out of the tree's throwing a knife that hits him in the neck. He falls and I look at the small figure as it slowly approaches us.

The small figure is a child. With long dark hair and big blue eyes. She looks familiar but I can't place her. The other's put their weapons up.

"Wait. It's just a child." They put the weapons down, looking at her.

"Daddy?" She says moving towards us.

"Daddy?" Monty ask's. I look at Echo and the others before I turn back to the little girl.

"Mama, knew you would come home."

"Mama? Who's your mother?" Harper moves closer.

"Clarke's my mother. You should know that, you're her friends." Everyone looks at me and all I can do is stare ate her. Clarke's alive and so is my child.

"Clarke's alive?" Is all I can say.

"Yes and she's in trouble." The child's smile fades.

"What about the other's, the one's in the bunker?" Monty ask's.

"They're still there." Is all she says.

"That can't be." I say but she grabs my hand dragging me into the forest.

"Come on. I'll tell you on the way." We walk into the forest led by a five year. She drags us to the rover. I look at it and then at the others.

"We need a plan." Monty says.

"I got an idea." I look at my daughter and kneel in front of her. "What's your name?"

"Madi." She smiles softly.

"Madi. I'm so glad that to finally meet you." She throws her arms around me.

"I'm just glad your home." She hugs my neck tight. I stand up still holding her.

"We take the rover to the village. You drop me off and then you all take Madi into the forest to hide."

"No!" Madi yells jumping down from my arms. "You can't leave me." I look down at her and then at the others.

"I will never leave you again but in order for me to save your mom I need to leave you with them. They will take care of you. I promise." Tears fall down her cheek. She nods and then hugs me one last time. I get into the rover with Monty and we drive off leaving the others here. I know they will look after Madi.

We drive to the village. When we get there I see lights and people around. Monty parks the rover. I look at him and then nod.

"Come out with your hands high." A woman yells. I get out and move around the rover.

"I'm unarmed." I say keeping my hands up. I see her first. Lying on the ground. Her head lifts, eyes squinting. She looks the same but different. Her hair is shorter. "I just want to talk."

"Talk. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just kill you where you stand?" I see the prisoners holding guns, pointed at me.

"How about I give you 283?" I take the cup I found on the ship out of my jacket and hold it up. The woman, I assume is in charge, stares at it. "That's what going to happen to your people if we can't come up with a deal." She looks at me and then nods. I hold up my hand letting Monty know to drive off. The lights fade away and I move closer to her.

"That's far enough." I stop walking. I stare down at her before looking back at the women before me. "283 lives for one? She must be pretty important to you."

I stare back at Clarke, relief on her face. "She is." They nod but soon separate us. I follow the woman into the building well they take Clarke somewhere else. The woman stops before me taking a seat. 

"You wanted to talk. So talk." I look at her. Trying to figure out who this woman is. I finally open my mouth convincing her to help us, hoping that everything will work out. 

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