Old Feelings

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Clarke POV

I stand up taking Madi's hand. Octavia walks beside us till we get to the door, parting ways. It has been long day. Night is falling as we get to our tent. I pick her up, ducking into the tent. I lay her on the bed, tucking the blankets around her. I am about to leave when she calls me.


"Yes, sweetheart?" I turn smiling down at her.

"Does daddy love us?" I stare at her, mouth parted. Shocked that she would ask that. I know Bellamy didn't know and it's only been a few days. I smile, smoothing her hair back. 

"He loves us." I reassure her. "You have to remember that it has only been a few days for him. He didn't know that we have survived. You remember the story of Praimfaya?" She nods. "He thought that I had sacrificed myself when they went to the ring. I know it's hard, seeing him with another woman but no matter what happens. He will always love you even if we are not together." 

I kiss her head and watch her fall asleep, holding her bunny that I made out of a blanket. I made it when she was a baby. It had been in the rover, left behind when we were running. I watch her sleep before walking out to see Echo and Bellamy sitting by the fire. Monty and Harper are beside them. Must have been released. I walk over sitting beside Harper who takes my hand.

"Octavia let you out?" I ask.

"Yeah. She said there was no reason to keep us in there, so she let us go. Though she sounded like she didn't like Echo being here." Monty says starring at me. I nod, looking at Bellamy.

"So how was space?" I lighten the mood. They all chuckle jumping in to tell me all about space and the last six years. 

"Echo taught us to fight. She helped train us, kept us fit." Harper smiled.

"I learned a lot from them too. I never thought I would survive up there but I did thanks to theses guys." Echo says grabbing Bellamy's hand. He looks down at her, smiling. I quickly look away feeling hurt. My eyes land on Harpers. She smiles apologetically.

"I'm glad that you all survived." I turn back to them. "When I saw Bellamy I wasn't sure if you all did but when he told me you all survived," I pause smiling. Thinking of our hug. "No words would come out." Harper squeezes my hand.

"It was fun and we learned a lot from each other. We came to know that we all hated Monty's algae." Harper says. I laugh.

"Did it taste good?" They all look at Monty before laughing.

"No. It was gross. Sorry Monty." Echo smiles.

"It's all good. I liked it but I know it wasn't for everyone." He smiles, laughing with us.

"How was the ground?" Harper ask's. I look at her and then back at Bellamy.

"It was alright. It wasn't always fun, especially the first few months. Till I found the valley."

"It must have been so hard to raise Madi by yourself?" Echo ask's.

"It was but I knew that I could do it." I stare at her. "I'm tired. I think I'll go get some sleep." I smile at them saying goodnight before walking away. I walk towards my tent when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Gia, Indra's daughter and a flame keeper.

"What do you want?"

"I came to talk to you about Madi?" I look at her and we walk around the tent, away from anyone else.

"What is it?"

"I know that Madi is your's and Bellamy's daughter. I also know that she is a night blood."

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