The Flame

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"We should prepare for Polis." Raven says walking into the ark. 

Octavia walks over to the gate looking out. I look back at her and then walk into the ark pulling Clarke along with me. We grab supplies and start to get ready to go to Polis to find out how to help our people. We pile into the rover. Monty, Raven, Jasper and Harper are staying at the ark. Raven believes she can hack into A.L.I.E through the computers.

"We'll keep her safe." Harper says. I nod, looking at Raven as she comes up to us.

"I'll find a way to get her. We will beat this and save our people." I nod hugging her.

Clarke comes up hugging her too. I get behind the wheel, Clarke beside me. I look at her smiling before putting the rover into drive. We drive out of the ark, through the gate and into forest. As where driving Clarke steals glances at me.

"You're watching me." I smile looking at her. After a few hours of driving the rover stops.

"We need to charge it." We climb out letting the rover recharge. I look at Clarke as she sits on a log.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her.

"I was thinking about how much everything has gone wrong. How we killed all those people in Mount Weather, how I didn't tell you I was pregnant, how I let you all almost die." She looks at me, tears to her eyes. I walk over to her and sit beside her taking her hand.

"It's not your fault." She looks up at me. "None of this is. We made the decision to kill those people to save our own. I would have liked to know that you where pregnant but their is no reason to worry about that now. We did what we had to survive. We did it all to save our people."

She kisses my cheek before getting up and walking off. I watch her walk away and then turn to my sister sitting across from me. Glaring at me.

"What is it, O?"

"Nothing." She gets up walking over to Miller keeping watch.

" She gets up walking over to Miller keeping watch

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Clarke POV

I walk into the woods needing to clear my head.I walk past some tree's only to feel a knife go to my throat.

"Wanheda come with me." He says. We move back only for me to hear an arrow fly through the air and hit the grounder behind me. He falls to the ground. I turn my hands up looking to see Roan.

"Roan." I say grabbing my gun. He knocks it out of my hand.

"That's a nice way to thank someone for saving your life." He says walking past me.

"Freeze." I turn to see Bellamy come out from behind a tree. Roan puts his hands up and faces us.

"Your coming with us." I say grabbing his bow and arrow. Bellamy ties his hands up and pushes him towards the camp. Dusk is approaching as we make it back to camp.

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