New Enemy

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Clarke POV

I drive through the forest knowing she is safe in that cave. I get back to the hill, hiding behind a rock. I put my scope out looking at the ship. It says it's a prisoner ship. The door opens and soon people come out carrying large weapons. Weapons I have never seen. A women walks out in front of them. I watch them go into the forest and see they are going into the direction of then cave.

"Madi." I whisper. 

I run to the rover quickly getting in. I drive through the forest when I hear a gun shot. I get out, running towards the cave. I run in to find a man on the ground, dead and another hurt, leaning against the wall of the cave. I step closer to him, gun up. He stares at me fear in his eyes.

"Please, don't." He mutters, in pain. 

"Mama, he tried to help me. I think he's a good guy." I look down at her and then back at him.

"There are no good guys." I shoot him. He falls to the floor. I grab Madi, pulling her against me. "Are you alright?" She nods, tears falling down her cheek. I wipe them away.

"I'm sorry mama. I tried not to shoot them but they..." She sobs into my chest. 

I hold her close as she cries herself to sleep. I place her in the rover, driving off. After a little while I park the rover, turning to look at her. I smile, pushing her hair out of her face. She looks so much like him. I climb out walking to the back where I put the man. I didn't kill him. Not yet anyway. 

I tie him to a post near the edge of the forest. When he wakes he will attract his friends. Then I'll kill them, taking back my home. I sit behind some rocks, waiting. Soon footsteps move behind em. I glance over my shoulder as Madi crawls in beside me. I put my finger to my lips before looking back at the man through my scope.

Soon I hear more rustling in front of me. His friends come out, guns out just as he wakes up screaming.

"Mama, I don't think we should be doing this?" Madi whispers. I look down at her, frowning. I move my face closer to hers.

"This is our home. The home you have only known. If we don't defend it they'll take it."

"They want to take it from us?"

"They do." I kiss her head, moving back to the scope. I stare at them before finally shooting the man. 

His friends are now on alert. I go to shoot another one when a man comes out with a large weapon. The ones I saw them carrying earlier. I watch as he fires it up, grinning. 

"Get Down!" I yell pushing Madi down. I put my body on top of her as the blast hits us. Rocks fly around us. My ears ring, I can't hear anything. I look down at Madi, shaking her. She sits up looking around.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, my ears finally stop ringing. She looks at me, nodding. I pick her up, running into the forest. Running for our lives.

 Running for our lives

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