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Everything that happened after they discovered the bunker happens next. Octavia fights in the conclave for the bunker and wins but Skaikru is all in the bunker and they have locked out Kane and Octavia. I know Clarke was apart of the plan for the bunker but I decided she isn't and wakes up like Bellamy.

Clarke POV

I wake up with a huge headache. I put a hand to my head and sit up. "Clarke." Mom says. I open my eyes to see her kneeling in front of me. I look around to see the bunker office.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Owe, my head hurts." I look over to see Bellamy lying beside me.

"Bellamy." I help him up.

"What's going on?" He stands up quickly. Jaha walks in.

"Ah, good your awake."

"Where's my sister?" I look at him and then at everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get to her in time. Once everyone was in we sent a team to retrieve everyone still left. Clarke was waiting outside the door so we grabbed her first." Jaha says pointing to me. Bellamy grabs my hand, helping me up. I glare at him. "You, Kane and Octavia where in the throne room. We could only get to you in time. I'm sorry."

"What where you thinking?" Bellamy yells at Jaha. "Their was only for warriors left. Octavia was one of them. She could have won."

"And she might not have and then where would we be?" We stare at him. "What I did was for the good of our people." Jaha nods at the guards standing at the door. "Take Mr. Blake to our holding cell till the death wave has passed." They drag him off.

"What are you doing? Please stop. He just wants to help his sister." I stare at them. "What about Kane, Mom." I stare at her as she puts her head down. I shake my head and walk out. I look down at our people moving supplies into the rooms. What have we done? Mom comes up beside me.

"I know it's hard to understand but it's for the best." She squeezes my arm and walks off. I watch her walk away and lean my head on my arms. Can I let them do this or should I help? I find a bed and lie down. Letting sleep come over me.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Murphy shaking me awake.

"Clarke, Bellamy's gone." I sit up and quickly run out of the room. I know where he's going. I run to the door grabbing a gun on the way. I open the first door and see him climbing the stairs.

"Bellamy, Stop!" He looks down at me.

"Clarke, I can't let her die. Can you?"

"If you open that door you are letting all those people in. I know what they did was wrong but what about our child. Can you let it die?" Bellamy has tears in his eyes.

"I have to, Clarke." I hold the gun up.

"So that's the way it is. Your going to shoot me?"

"If I have to." Tears fall down my cheek. "I can't let you do this."

"This isn't like closing the drobship door or pulling the switch at mount weather. We knew what we were up against then. Now we have no clue. She could be dying right now. Please." Tears fall own his cheek. I click the gun. "If you shoot you need to make it a kill shot. That's the only way you're stopping me." 

The gun shakes in my hand. I finally lower it kneeling to the ground crying. Bellamy opens the door and goes through. I look up to see him disappear. He comes back down with Octavia and others. He walks over to me and helps me up. He pulls me against his chest as I cry into him.

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