Another Ship

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Bellamy POV

I sit by the fire, making another spear, thinking of the last few days events. I never knew that being on the earth would be so hard. Earth Skills may have taught us to survive but never prepared us for this.

We almost hanged Murphy, Charlotte is dead and then we banished Murphy for trying to take matters into his own hands. Charlotte had killed Wells for what his father did. I don't blame her but I do feel guilty that she had to kill herself.

"Octavia is missing." Miller whispers. 

"What!?" I yell standing up. I face him, anger rising.

"She disappeared. We tried looking for her but she has been gone for a few hours." He says and then walks away. 

Where could she be? I start to panic. I walk around the camp checking each tent till I get to Clarke's. When I open her tent she wakes up and looks at me.

"What's going on?"

"Octavia's missing." I look at her and then move to leave.

"I'll help you."

She climbs out and follows me, calling for her. We take some torches and walk out of camp, into the night. There is a few others with torches looking but there is no sign of them. We continue walking till we hear something.

Clarke and many others help me look but it is no use. She is no where. The grounders must have taken her. That night I sit by the gate looking out. I hear a scream, I look up and think it might be Octavia but it can't be. I hope it isn't. I stare into the darkness and pray she is okay. That she isn't hurt.

Clarke POV

We get back from looking for Octavia. I go to my tent to lie down, only to wake up a few hours to find it's still night. I walk out of my tent to see the stars up above. I smile, looking around till I see his tent. I look to make sure no one is watching before making my way to his tent. I am almost there when I hear people pointing to the sky.

"Look at that." A girl says.

"Is that a shooting star?" A boy asks. I look up to see what looks like a star but I squint my eyes and see that it is a ship.

"Is that a ship?" Bellamy comes up behind me asking. I jump giving him a look. He half-smiles, apologizing. I look back at the sky wondering why a ship is coming down.

"It is." I say. We watch it as it fall's towards the earth. A hits the ground with a loud bang that can be heard for miles. "We should go see if they need help."

"Wait." Bellamy grabs my arm. "We should wait till morning." I look up at him and then back to where the ship landed before nodding.

"Any news on your sister?" I ask turning to face him fully.

He shakes his head. "There's nothing. No news. It's like she just vanished. No one had seen her for a few hours prior to her going missing."

"We will find her. I promise." He grabs my hand and squeezes it before walking away. 

I walk into the drop ship to check on the kids with colds. I work all night till morning when I walk out to rain. It is a dreary day, rainy and cold. I look for Bellamy but soon find that he is gone, maybe hunting.

"Hey," I ask a boy near the gate. "Have you seen Bellamy?" I ask. Peter, the boy just shakes his head.

"Sorry. Haven't seen him since last night." I nod my head as he walks down the wall. Where could he be? As if we didn't have more problems now he is missing too. Finn comes up to me with a pack.

"Going to the ship that landed?" I ask. He nods.

"Want to come, princess?" He asks me. I roll my eyes following him out of the camp. "Clarke." Finn says. I look at him, confused. "About the kiss?"

"I know you have feelings for me but..." I stop talking when he pushes me against a tree kissing me.

I try to push him away. He is stronger then me and pushes his mouth harder on mine. I finally get a hand free hitting him in the face. He staggers back holding his cheek, shock on his face. I straighten up, tugging my shirt down that he had managed to pull up. I glare at him before walking in the direction of the ship. I can't look at him. He catches me and swings me around.

"Clarke stop! I'm sorry. I don't know what comes over me. When I'm around you I can't think. you make me do things I normally wouldn't. Clarke, I love you." I am about to talk when I hear a bang. I turn my head and look in the direction of the the ship. I shake off Finn's hand and run to the ship. He runs right behind me calling my name.

When we get there we see it is a small, two person pod. Finn runs up to the door and opens it. I run with him and see it is a girl sitting inside. She has black hair and blood running down her face. She opens her eyes and looks at us.


"Raven." He looks at her in disbelief. She hugs him before getting out. She stops at the door and looks around.

"I made it. I'm on the earth." We help her out and she stands outside, twirling.

"Yeah, you are." I smile at her. Finn is still taring at her, shocked. "Hey, do you know her?"

"Raven and I where, we were..." He stumble's.

"Finn is my boyfriend." I look at her shocked and then laugh.

"That's wonderful." I smile and then walk over picking up some stuff.

"I can't believe I made it."

"Clarke, we should bring her back. We don't want the grounders to find us." Finn says.

"Clarke, your Clarke?" Raven asks.


"This was all your mother's idea. She's the reason I'm here."

"My mom sent you?" I look at her and then walk away.

"The radio. I need to contact her and the ark."

"Why?" I run to her as she runs to the pod.

"Crap." She throws a radio down on the ground. "It must have got broken when I entered the atmosphere. Crap, Crap, Crap!" She shouts.

"Whats the matter? Why do you need to contact the ark?" I grab her shoulder, turning her.

She looks at me, grim face. "They're getting ready to kill 300 people to preserve oxygen."

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