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Clarke POV-3 Months Later

I watch the rabbit I found struggle against the robe. Waiting in silence for it to come. Soon I see the panther approach. It jumps onto the rabbit as I throw my spear, killing it instantly. It falls over, sliding across the ground. I walk over to it and whisper.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Your fight is over.

I tie a robe around it to drag it through the forest. I walk to a trading post that a women named Niylah and her father own. I stop at the edge and wait. I see the man leave before walking towards it. I walk in, bringing the panther in behind me. Once inside I drop the rope, approaching her.

"I see your back." She says. Speaking in Trigedasleng.

"I brought more meat." I speak back in Trigedasleng. She nods and walks around. She looks at the panther and then at me.

"It will take a few minutes to get you're supplies together." I nod as she drags the panther into the back. I look around. I have been here a few times. Always coming in when her father is gone. In the last week i have learned that there is a bounty on my head. Lexa wants me. 

Nyliah comes back. She hands me her supplies. She offers to clean my wound. I look at my shoulder seeing that the panther scratched me. I thank her letting her clean my wound. 

Once cleaned up I slip out. Nyliah is nice but I am not looking for friends. I left that all behind when I chose to leave. 

I am walk through the woods when someone grabs me putting a knife to my throat. He turns me to face him. Staring at him I see the scar. He's Azgeda. Ice Nation. He smiels soon tying me up and gaging me. Taking me away. 

Bellamy POV

I sit on top of the rover. We are waiting for Monty to grab Jasper. Octavia is getting her horse ready, we are going out on another mapping mission for Kane. Gina walks over to me from the ark. She has helped me a lot these last three months. She walks up to me, smiling. I smile back hopping down.

"Going out again?" She asks.

"Yes, Kane wants us to do another mapping mission. We'll only be gone a little while." I lean forward and kiss her. She smiles in the kiss before breaking apart.

"Be careful, okay." I nod and kiss her forehead.

"I always am." I kiss her one more time and then see Monty come over with Jasper.

I walk around to the back of the rover and get in. Raven is in the driver seat with Jasper beside her. Jasper has headphones in his ears, an music box that was Maya's. We drive along and I look through the cracks of the rover to see Octavia on her horse. I smile at her and sit watching whats going on outside. Monty grabs one of Jasper's headphones and puts it to his ear.

"You should plug that in so we can all hear." He says.

Jasper looks at him before nodding. He plugs it in and Raven turns up the volume. Its a song called Add it up is playing. We get to sector 7 and drive in. We stop before a fallen log. We get out to move it when two ice nation warriors, very far from their sector, jump in front of us.

We stand at guard. They speak in Trigedasleng, Octavia goes up to them and then we hear one word. Wanheda.

"Who's Wanheda?" I ask.

They continue to talk when Jasper walks up. Thats when I see one of our beacons. Its flashing. Jasper walks up to him and grabs it which puts the ice nation's on guard. They grab their weapons and soon we are shooting. We kill each of them and I look at Jasper.

"Maybe we shouldn't have brought him?" Monty says. I look at him and nod.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have." My radio starts to go.

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