Finding a Way Out

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Bellamy POV

I watch her fall asleep. Her fingers in my hand. I let them go, letting them slowly fall to her side. I smile at her. She looks so beautiful even if she feels broken.

I hear the door open and see them come in to take the boy that is hanging. They take him down, dragging him to a shoot. I watch them throw him in, sliding down into the mountain. I wonder? My thoughts go away when I look down to see Clarke moving. A man with white hair comes in.

"Release her now!" He says. The doctor comes over and unlocks Clarke's cage. She opens her eyes looking up at me, panic in her eyes. Guards drag her out of her cage. I go to my door watching as they take her to the older man.

"What are you doing? Let me go." She struggles against them, pushing, trying to get out of their embrace. She turns back to look at me. I nod my head to tell her to go. She starts to shake her head when the man looks at me.

"Who is he to you?" He ask's.

"My..." She looks behind at me, worry all over her face before turning back to him. "He's my boyfriend." I hold onto the cage door, holding my breath staring at her. I finally yell at them.

"Clarke you need to get out of here. Save yourself!" I scream. A guard comes up sticking me with a needle that puts me to sleep. The last thing I see is Clarke being taken away, screaming my name.

 The last thing I see is Clarke being taken away, screaming my name

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Clarke POV

"No!" I scream. I try to pull out of the guards hands that are holding me as I watch Bellamy go slack. I scream his name but he doesn't wake up. I turn around looking at the man, the president.

"You didn't need to do that." I say looking at him.

"He would have caused a riot. Be happy we're releasing you."

"I'm not going." I shake out of the guards arms backing up. "If he stays here then so do I."

He looks at me and then signals to the guards. One picks me up throwing me over his shoulder. I kick and scream in his ear but he doesn't put me down. We walk down the hallway towards the bunk room. They walk in and I see all our people there. They set me down on my feet and walk out. The president gives me one last look before walking out. Monty runs up to me giving me a hug.

"Clarke are you alright?" He asks, looking me over but I look past him at the doors.

Monty finally gets my attention. I turn facing him, Jasper right behind him. I smile at them and then turn walking to my bed. I sit down on it, putting my head in my hands. Everyone is here. Everyone except Bellamy. Jasper, Harper and Miller come over, sitting on the bed opposite to me while Monty sits beside me. He puts his arm around me.

"What happened Clarke?" Monty asks. I look at them before I speak.

"Bellamy is here." I say looking up.

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