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Bellamy POV

We get into space and sit in front of the ring. Raven gets ready to go out. She gets to finally space walk. I watch her go out into space as she walks towards the ring. She hits the button but nothing happens. I turn and stare at the others.

"It's not working is it?" Monty ask's. I shake my head.

"I left her and we die anyway." Is all I can say. I go back to my seat, Echo grabs my hand squeezing it.

"I'm sorry. I know what she means to you." I nod back and look at Raven. 

Finally the door opens. She comes back and gets into her seat. She fires up the rocket and turns it to the door. She flies it into the landing bay and we get out. We rush to where we need to hook up the generator. Most of us have little oxygen left. I am the last one who has enough air. I hook up the generator but feel myself growing weak. Its hard to breathe. I press the button and fall to the floor leaning against the wall.

The vent turns on and soon oxygen flows into the room. We all take a deep breathe and everyone puts their faces against the vents. Echo pulls me up to the event. I laugh breathing in the air. We all stand up soon hugging. We made it. We didn't all make it. I walk away through the halls. After a while I find a bottle of Vodka. I hold it as I look down at the earth covered in fire. I turn to see Raven coming up beside me.

"She saved us again." I look at her before looking back at the earth. "Do you think we can do this without her?" She ask's.

"She was pregnant." Is all I can say.

"Oh, Bellamy. I am so sorry." She puts her hand on my shoulder. I grab it and look down at the earth.

"I believe that we can survive without her because if we don't then she died in vain and I won't let that happen." I look at her as she leans her head on my arm. "You with me?" She looks up at me and nods.

"Always." I nod and then look at the earth below. In five years I hope to go down and I will truly mourn her then. I won't do it till where back home. I will live for my friends and her. I will always love her and keep her in my memory.

A month passes. Monty keeps perfecting the algae. Unfortunately the first batch put Murphy into a coma. Emori sits beside him, worried he won't wake up. I pass by their door peeking inside. Still out. 

I walk towards my room. I walk in stopping when I see her standing by the window. 

"Clarke?" She turns smiling at me. Her stomach large. I look around confused. "How are you here?"

"I'm not." She says sadly, hands by her side. "I died because you left me."

I watch as her face turns red, radiation killing her. 

"No!" I yell as I bolt awake. I look around realizing it was another dream. 

I wipe my hand over my face taking deep breath's. For the last month I have been plagued by nightmares. I see Clarke around the ring telling me I left her. That she and our child died because I made the choice to leave her behind.

"Another nightmare?" I look at my door to see Raven leaning against the frame. I nod looking down. 


She walks into the room sitting on my bed. 

"I'm sorry it's so hard." 

"I wish I hadn't left." I look at her. 

"You would have died." She points out. "Clarke would have lost you even if she did survive."

"I know but she wouldn't have been alone." She takes my hand. 

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