2199 Days

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Clarke POV

I throw my spear at the river catching another fish for dinner. Madi gets bigger everyday so I need to feed her more and more. I collect my catch, stepping out of the river. I smile as I walk back to the village. Our home. I walk through the village to our house when I hear small footsteps behind me.

"Mama!" Madi calls. I turn to look at her catching her as she throws herself at me. She's getting too big for this but I don't mind.

"It's time for supper, go wash up." I kiss her cheek setting her down.

"The berries are out."

"That's nice." I turn to the fish, setting them in a pot. I go to our vegetables, grabbing the knife. As I start cutting them, she moves up beside me, looking up.

"You said last year that there wasn't enough berries but this year there's lots. Please can we do it. Pretty Please." I look down to see Madi pleading. Her eyes big and wide. It's hard for me to resist.  I think about it. Setting my knife down, I face her.

"Alright." I agree, smiling.

"Yay!" She yells throwing herself to me. 

I put her on my back carrying her to the rover, grabbing my jacket on the way. We drive to the berry patch. Before I can stop the rover Madi rushes out into the berry field. I laugh stopping the rover before following her. 

I keep glancing at her as we pick the berries. More of them ending up on her face than in our basket. For hours we pick. As dusk comes we make a fire on top of the ridge looking out over the valley. 

Madi loves this spot. Every time we come here she looks up, wondering when her dad will come home. I wonder the same. Once night falls we sit by the fire putting berries in our hair. Madi sits beside me, rubbing berries into my hair, turning it red. 

"You look pretty, mama." She kisses my cheek before sitting in my lap.

I take her hair, rubbing berries through it. Madi looks at my sketch book as I move the berries up and down her hair. She likes looking at it. I drew pictures of everyone. Mom, Bellamy, Octavia, all my friends. I drew events that happened. She gets to a picture of her dad, stopping.

"I wish he could be here." She whispers putting her hand over his face. 

I kiss her cheek as she flips the page to Octavia her aunt. She puts her hand over her picture too. We have gone back so many times to the bunker but unfortunately we can't get them out.

"She'll get them out, mama. I know she will. You always said she was the strongest."

"I did, didn't I." She sets the book aside before lying down on my lap. She looks up at the stars, at them. I wonder if they will come down soon. I stare up, wishing, praying that it will be soon.

"Do you think they'll come down too?" I ask her. Looking down at her but she's already asleep. I look back up thinking of him.

 I look back up thinking of him

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