Chapter 49

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If you guys are confused to why I haven't uploaded the character ask answers but this instead, don't be I'm gonna explain. So basically I was on holiday with no wifi at all so I didn't have access to go back and check any questions you guys had commented, all I could do was write, so that's what I did. I'll be hopefully uploading the answers in a short period, stay tuned x


Luke's PoV

Monday's where days most people hated. For some it was the first day of school, work or they could just be really hung over from drinking too much on Sunday night. I had normally hated Monday for those reasons too but not today, today the reason for hating Monday was different, unimaginable. Monday marks the second day of Brie still 'sleeping' to put it in light terms.

It had been two whole days, two agonising long and painful days without my angel by my side.

There was no way in hell I was going to school today, and I was happy that I wasn't going to be forced. A dull cloud hung above my body wherever I went, which wasn't many places. In the last two days I had basically been living at the hospital. Even though visiting hours where from two to four, I didn't care.

I knew I wasn't allowed to be next to Brie other than in those two hours but that didn't stop me from sitting on the bench outside her room or if not there, outside the hospital.

When I did that I resembled a hobo. I was sure of it but I still didn't care. If that was the closest thing there was to being next to Brie then so be it. Even if it made me look like a homeless man. No one could keep us apart, I was not going to sit here like some depressed guy and let them. Instead I was going to do anything in my power to be next to the love of my life.

My stubbornness with the situation wasn't very helpful but I couldn't help it. It didn't heal that aching hole in my heart that continued to pain me for the last forty eight hours.

Graduation was on Friday and most people from school where buzzing to be finally free, well according to Twitter and Facebook. I however didn't feel any excitement at all, just endless amounts of worry and restlessness. I couldn't go any longer without having Brie by my side. I needed her.

She was my source of happiness and knowing she was still unconscious with the amount of blood she had lost, made my mind flood in even more anticipation and sadness. I was trying my best to stay hopeful though.

My baby was a fighter and she could pull through. I had complete faith in her but even I was sad that if she didn't wake up today, she would be in a hospital bed during her eighteenth birthday.

She turned eighteen tomorrow. This was a big day for most people but she potentially couldn't be awake to see it. It hurt like hell and I knew how sad she was going to be once she figured this out.

We had planned so much for her birthday but little did we know back then, fate would be so unkind and drop a bomb like this on us.

I wish there was something I could do to help this but I just couldn't. As much as I wanted to be, I wasn't a miracle worker and just like the others my love and hope for her was only rising every second of every passing day.


She didn't wake up today. I had been waiting all day, my body sitting patiently outside her hospital room. Every second passed by agonisingly slow and the thoughts in my mind mainly consisted of Brie. Picturing her smile was the only thing that was helping me not go insane.

The thoughts had been running wild through my head and I'm pretty sure all this thinking was going to drive me crazy, her not being by my side was going to drive me crazy.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now