Chapter 2

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Bries POV

I made my way into the big school building gloomily. I was greeted by the light blue painted hall ways, with classrooms on either sides and cheesy pictures on the walls. The school wasn't too big and also wasn't too small. At the end was the big hall mainly used for lunch and other circular activities that of course I never I attended to. I made my way to my first class which unfortunately was History. Oh, kill me now.

This was one of the most boring classes ever. I had it with a old teacher called Mr Reynolds. He was always cranky and made us copy out textbooks, I swear every time I came out that class my hand was about to fall of. I blamed his wife, he had serious relationship issues which I wouldn't have known about until I by mistakenly over heard his conversation with his wife when he was in charge of detention.

His wife had a secret affair with some guy so I almost felt sorry for him, almost! Maybe if he treated his students better I would.

I knocked on the clear classroom door and then made my way in when no one said anything. As I got in the class everyone's heads shot up and looked my way. I ignored their curious and judgemental looks, use to it. Mr Reynolds looked at me with a cross look as he sat behind his paper covered desk.

"Nice to see your back Miss Taylor's." he said adding a menacing glare at the end. Oh I can just see how much you love me sir. I just raised an eyebrow at him. I had kept my second name the same after mum married John. No way in hell was I going to have the same surname as Alison. I would rather drown.

"I know." I said with a sickly sweet fake smile. It seemed as if he was on his man period. Just to make him hate me a little bit more I added, "How are you oh and your wife and her secret boyfriend." I said with a cheeky smile, my hand perched upon my waist.

As soon as I said that the class erupted with laughter and some guys were cheering me on. I could see my best friend Michael laughing in hysterics in the middle row, well I'm glad I'm amusing. Mr Reynolds certainly didn't find it amusing. His face was red and it seemed as if he had smoke coming out of his ears. It was like he wanted to hit me but of course he wasn't aloud. I wasn't sorry no, I just think he needed to know. I mean if my partner was cheating on me I wouldn't care who told me, at least I would know then.

He pointed to the door and I happily walked out. I saw that coming from a mile away, of course I would get sent out the classroom for being rude to a teacher but I seriously couldn't help my self. I shot Michael a cheeky wink behind me shoulder and shut the door behind me.

About 50 minutes later the second period bell wrung and the class flooded out with students all trying to get out the classroom quickly. I was sitting on the side of the door out of everyone's way, standing up took too much effort.

I actually felt sorry for my classmates, Mr Reynolds must have been pissed when I left the classroom. They all left me standing there except from Michael who came over to me with a smirk on his face. Michael had been my closest friend since primary school and had always been by my side. We normally did everything together so he was pretty mad at me when I left him for two weeks. I really don't know what I would do without him.

"Be ware your gonna face his wrath." Michael said with a snicker. I groaned at this, me and him both knew I was going to be in big trouble. Oh well I didn't mind not like my mum cared much anyway.

"Please don't remind me." I said annoyed and he chuckled, his eyes lit with amusement.

"See you at lunch." He said and after a second added, "If you make it out alive." and then scrabbled away before I could smack his colourful head. You see my best friend loved dying his hair, it always fascinated him as a child and did it as soon as he had permission from his mum. Right now it was pink and black, either colour on either side of his spiked up hair. Me and Hannah, my other best friend would bet on how long he kept it the same colour or in this case colours.

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