Chapter 32*

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A shout out to Hemmingway96 she is amazing and I just wanna say another thank you for your lovely comments on the last chapter.

Also another shout out to @X5SOShemmings (that's her twitter name, don't know what her wattpad one is) who I discovered had tweeted about my book. I feel so touched that someone would actually do that and I just wanna say a massive thank you.

Another heads up is that there is going to be a smut scene at the end of this chapter and I just wanna say if your not into/don't read that type of thing then please don't comment hateful stuff, just don't read it.

There's a line separating it so you no when so stop reading or when to read on ;).

Anyway thanks for all the reads guys. I appreciate them so much.



Bries POV

I woke up to Luke groaning and muttering under his breath. After coming home late last night we both went straight to bed, me exhausted as hell and Luke nearly passing out due to too much alcohol intake. Michael and Hannah had left to do god knows what and I was too tired to care.

I looked over to Luke who had hand on his head, his eyes flickering open then closing again due to the bright light, coming trough the blinds. I would blame Luke for drinking too much but it wasn't his fault, it all happened in that witches evil scheme.

"Hey Luke," I said to him sitting up slightly but he didn't respond, groaning instead. Oops, maybe I was a bit too loud. I didn't say anything as I got out of bed and slipped on my slippers. I quickly walked down the stairs into the kitchen where I got a glass of water and packet of Advil. Taking the tablets and the water back into the room, I sat next to Luke, my feet dangling of the bed.

"Here Luke," I said holding out the tablet and water out to him, his eyes flickered open. He looked at me for a second before smiling and taking them off me. A couple seconds later he gave me back the glass and the rest of the tablets which I placed back on his bedside table.

"Thanks Brie," he said gratefully, his voice was deep and low. I just smiled trying not to show how much I loved it when he said my name. He really should say it more often, because man did it sound hot coming out of his mouth.

"It's okay, are you feeling better?" I asked him taking my hand in his hand in mines. He smiled at the gesture but then frowned.

"Yeah but I can't really remember what happened last night. All I can remember is that me and Michael went to a party, after that it's all hazy."He said and I mentally killed Alison again, how much alcohol did she give to Luke to make him forget most of the night. I needed to tell him everything.

"Actually Alison was up to her evil plans again as she got you drunk, took you to a bedroom and forced herself on you. Michael phoned me and told me you where missing so me and Hannah came as fast as we could to find you. We found you and then took you home," I told him while he listened intently. When I stopped talking I looked at Luke to see his reaction, he was calm for a second before anger flickered through his eyes.

"I can't believe that bitch. I was so stupid to take that drink from her," he groaned as it looked like he now remembered what happened. It surprised me why Luke would even take the drink from her but I didn't push it any further.

"It's fine Luke. You should just count yourself lucky as your parents aren't home," I said with a chuckle. He sighed with relief.

"I know, my mum would have killed me if I came home like that."

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