Chapter 28

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AHHH 40k!!!!! 40 fricken K! Thank you so much guys for reading and voting and making this book get that many reads. You's don't know how much I appreciate it, love you guys.

Also read the AN at the bottom, it's important...well kinda.


Bries POV

As subtlety as possible I followed Calum as he speed walked towards Alison. I was hot on his heels. I knew this was a hundred percent wrong but it had to be done. I needed to know what was going on between them two! Not to sound like a whiny bitch but curiosity was eating me alive.

The bell had wrung and most normal kids would be in class but here I was playing the female version of James Bond. Luke was probably also wondering where I was but he could wait. This right in front of me was pure gold.

Calum turned the corner and I slowly approached it, not going right round but close enough to hear them both. I could hear Alison crying which honestly surprised me the most, I had never seen or heard her cry. It was weird and I was really suspicious.

"Shh please stop crying babe, I swear it wasn't what it looked like." I held my breath as I heard Calum start talking. I didn't want to risk my chances and get caught so I stuck to just listening. I knew myself well enough that I would fail this mission completely if I tried to look.

"No it wasn't, I thought you where over going after girls Calum. How can we do this if you aren't committed to me." What the hell was she talking about?

"No don't say that, we can do this babe. She was only apologising about something and we're friends so you have to live with it."

"Fine," I heard Alison sigh loudly and was shocked. Alison normally never listened to anyone, at all. What magic spell had Calum casted on her to make her act this way? I had never seen her act like that in front of anyone even her dad.

"I love you okay we can do this together." My jaw dropped, okay the key word in that sentence was love. He loved her? To think about it I hadn't seen Alison with a guys arm around her shoulder for a while, so Calum must have been her secret lover or something. But why keep it a secret? It was perfect, he was a player and she was queen bee, cliché but perfect.

"Yeah we can, I mean we kinda have to. This baby needs both of it's parents to work doesn't it?" He voice was quite but I heard every word. Baby! Holly shit, Alison was pregnant and Calum was the dad. Holly shit, holly shit, holly shit.

My thoughts ran a million miles per second and if I thought I couldn't be anymore surprised today, I thought wrong. What was it with everyone getting pregnant? What did people do with all they got learnt in sex ed.

Holy shit.

I couldn't actually believe it, did Calum not understand the phrase 'don't be silly, wrap your willy', he seemed sensible enough so I didn't understand how he forgot protection. Maybe they where both drugged or something, yeah that could be it. I shook my head slightly trying to keep my weird thoughts in order. First of, I needed to get out of here and go back to class because this was definitely enough spying for one day.

I turned quickly and as quietly as possible, which wasn't very quite but still. I speed walked back to the art class trying to think of a believable excuse for walking into class 15 minutes late.

Two excuses raced through my mind as I neared the classrooms door. Okay Brie, period problems or being sick, which one? The teacher was a guy called Mr Ross so that immediately made me put a like through period problems. I did not want to stand in front of the whole class and explain to people about my bleeding vagina. I shuddered at the thought, ew.

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