Chapter 21

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#459 in fanfiction! this just keeps on getting better and better. Thank you so much for all the reads. Vote goal is 500! please help me
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Bries POV

"We're gonna be aunties," Hannah beamed at me as she jumped up and down excitedly. I wanted to feel it, the excitement, the happiness, but I just couldn't. Not right now.

"I know, I cant wait." I said to her with the best smile I could muster. We where on our way to her house, going to meet Emma and Ashton. I was excited about meeting Emma again, we where close and she was a great role model. I was truly excited about her pregnancy but I just couldn't be able to feel it right now.

It was currently day two of Luke ignoring me and I was honestly dying. I felt so alone, so when Hannah invited me to stay at hers tonight as it was Friday, I jumped to the chance. I wasn't ready to face Luke. Not yet. I sighed in content as I thought about it being Friday but then that thought went away as I would obviously bump into Luke sooner or later.

His words replayed in my mind, over and over again. I couldn't actually believe he would want a real relationship with me. The thought confused me a lot and of course I was happy but I didn't know what to do now. Speaking to him right now wasn't an option since he was practically ignoring me and being pretty obvious about it. I think the best thing to do right now was nothing. I would just have to wait and deal with things when they came.

"Hey what's going on with you and Luke he's not been at the table like in ages." Hannah said dramatically, scaring me along the way as I jumped slightly.

"I don't know. He's just been ignoring me and I really don't know what to do." I sighed at her and she frowned.

"Whatever you said can't be that bad."

"It was though and now I'm totally stuck on what to do. Iv just decided to wait and see what happens. But it doesn't matter, I messed up so bad." I moaned and rubbed my hand on my forehead. Hannah gave me sad smile.

"If I was you I would speak to him but unlike Michael I support you on your decision. So just do whatever you feel is right." she said just like a best friend should. I smiled at her and gave her a big hug. "Thank you." I mumbled.

She laughed as she pulled away. "It's fine Brie we're here now by the way." I looked up and saw we had arrived at her house.

I smiled as I remembered all the good memories we had here, there where a lot. Good and bad.

We walked in her house and Hannah shut the door behind us. I hung my bag and jacket on the hooks next to the door, as did Hannah. We both followed the noise of chatter and laughter, leading us to the living room.

"Hey girls," Ashton greeted us as we walked in with a huge smile on his face. I smiled back and hugged him. I saw Emma sitting on the couch and soon headed to her bringing her in the biggest hug. She looked really pretty with a blue dress and black flats. Her blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail and her make up was neutral, showing off her bright blue eyes. Gosh, her and Ashton's baby was going to be very good looking.

"Hey hey, I missed you too Brie." She said to me with a laugh, I giggled back and took a seat next to her. Now we where all seated.

"How are you." I said motioning to her stomach. There wasn't much of a bump yet as it was early weeks but I had to ask.

"It's just normal right now, following all the doctors orders and thankfully I haven't started morning sickness yet but I am totally dreading it." she explaining with a slight smile and I nodded.

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