Chapter 42*

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Thanks for reaching me 200k guys x

Hot gif of Luke up above!

Also a warning that this is going to include sexual content so if your not into that shiz please don't read it, i warned you now so non of you's can complain. But yeah if your like me, you'll definitely want to read past the ~ line ;)

Bries POV

I was extremely happy. Me and Luke had gotten everything sorted out, which felt amazing since our lives could go back to normal and we could be happy without worrying about anything.

Luke had taken me out to dinner at a local restaurant that was nice and quiet since not many people knew about it. The food was delicious and me and Luke talked about anything and everything.

We had spent ages there, not keeping a track of the time but when we finally decided to go home, I realised it was pretty late. Looking at the time showing on my phone, it read 10:15. Wow, that must have meant that we spent nearly three hours there.

Luke's arm was wrapped around my shoulders as we walked into his house, everything was dark, an erie silence flooded through his house as we shut the door behind us.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him, snuggling into his warm embrace. His body the perfect temperature.

"Probably asleep," he murmured as we walked our way up the stairs, heading for Luke's bedroom.

"Why did they go to bed so early?" I asked him confused.

"They need to get up early the next morning since they haven't finished all the preparations for the dinner tomorrow night," he explained and I nodded, that made sense.

I was slightly worried about the dinner since I literally had no idea why or who it was being held for, but I tried not to think about, it would be all fine if I had Luke by my side.

We walked into Luke's room, him switching on the light and then turning to me.

"Wait here, I need to give you something." I nodded slowly, confused to what he could have possibly have for me. He left me standing there and walked over to his closet, slipping behind the closed doors, it only took him a couple of seconds to find what he was looking for.

He returned with a large pink coloured gift box and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What's that?" I asked him but he just shot me a small smile as he handed it to me, not giving me a direct reply.

"It's just um...a little gift for you, open it." He told me and my heart swelled in my chest. I smiled at the nervous look that had now spread across his face, why was he nervous, whatever he had got me was going to be perfect, I could feel it.

"I'm sorry if I got the size and stuff wrong, I'll return it," he nervously spoke and I ignored him, opening up the box. I pushed the peach covered tissue paper excitedly and was surprised to find a gorgeous looking dress. It looked expensive and I didn't want Luke to spend so much money on me, but I knew better than to say something about it so I just gratefully took it.

I took the dress out the box, holding it up. It was honestly beautiful and even looked my exact size. The top was covered in black lace and the bottom was a satin skirt, both of them divided by a cute black bow belt. It was light and felt extremely soft.

"It's perfect Luke." I smiled widely at him and he smiled back, the nervousness slowly vanishing.

"That's good, you can wear it at the dinner tomorrow." He said smiling.

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