Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Bries POV

"It's not a date," I said for the millionth time. I swear, the didn't spare one second to torment me. Both Michael and Hannah had been at it all day and it seriously was getting on my nerves. When where they gonna leave me alone and understand this was not a date. I mean it would be the two of us but with studying to do. Who in the right mind would study on a date.

"Of course it isn't," Hannah said with a smirk, she knew how much I was against this but no, no one stopped. Right now we where siting in our last period, which we all had together. After this period I was to meet Luke outside the school and I would have to put up with him on the walk home.

"I have the worst best friends in the world," I muttered as I swatted Michael's chest. He faked a hurt look and rubbed his chest with a frown.

"Hey! That hurt on the inside and out." he said with a whiny voice. I just rolled my eyes at him while Hannah laughed. We had about five minutes till the bell rang so we had a bit of free time. As you could tell Michael and Hannah wasted there free time tormenting me about the tutoring thing.

"I don't care and I didn't know your skin was so sensitive there," I said and the added "Man boobs." Hannah burst out laughing, obviously knowing what I was referring to. Michael gave glared at me playfully and threw his hands in the air.

"I don't have man boobs," he said then clutching his chest and I snickered.

"You sure about that,"I said with unlady like snort. They both looked at me funny for an second and then burst out laughing. The bell then rang and we all made our way out of the stuffy classroom after packing away our stuff. I swung my bag over my shoulder. Yas! Freedom. Then I remembered that I had tutoring, way to crush my hopes and dreams of doing nothing.

"Anyway tutoring buddy awaits," Michael said looking straight ahead, I looked up to see Luke with his black school bag on his back, walking towards the front door. I rolled my eyes but at least he didn't say date.

"Okay, well I'm gonna catch up with him so see ya losers." I said a a giddy fair well to my crazy best friends and the smiled waving at me as I ran ahead to catch up with Luke.

"Hey," I said as I caught up to him. He looked up surprised, his blue eyes widening a fraction. I was shocked by his height, it seemed like he was a whole foot taller than me. And I was medium height so that made him a giant.

"Oh hey I was going to wait up for you," he said his eyes going back to normal. I was still surprised how gruff and low his voice sounded. It was actually quite nice to listen to but I wasn't going to admit that.

"Well I'm here now aren't i," I said and he nodded. He walked out the school grounds and headed up the streets to led to my house. I hated calling it that but it couldn't be helped.

"I guess. Hey don't you have a car," he said with a furrowed eyebrow. I just shook my head.

"Don't you?" I asked him curiously as we took a left turn and started walking up it. He looked surprised by my curiosity but didn't question it. I mean, I was just trying to make conversation. I'm gonna be stuck with this guy for a while might as well get to know him.

"Yeah but I don't use it much. Brings to much unwanted attention," he said and I looked at him confused. This guy seriously hated the attention didn't he.

"It's a sports car," he said notionally and I nodded my head understanding. People at this school went bananas when someone had a new car or even a very expensive one. At least he was smart enough to know that. We walked in silence for a bit but soon arrived at mansion and I smiled at James, he smiled back and opened the gate. I looked over to Luke to see his reaction. He looked surprised but as soon as it came it went.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now