Chapter 1

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Brie's POV

I stood there, with the wind blowing my neat wavy blonde, long hair out of place. Well that's just great, I actually made a effort with my hair today because of my big come back and now Mother Nature fucked it up! I wrapped my arms around my chest, squeezing them tightly. Here I was back at School.

Two weeks seemed to pass by quickly, of course I was alone most of the time but I had fun those rare moments when Michael and Hannah came to my house or when we went out. Of course they weren't with me all the time cause I had some pretty smart best friends with busy life's.

I walked across the deserted school grounds as I come near the school doors. I hated this, I didn't want to go back to school. Even though I didn't act like it on the out side I really did care that I got suspended, I was angry. Very, very angry that my stepsister opened her big mouth and started it but even more when my mum blamed me for it, not even trying to consider how I felt and was affected by it at all. All my mum cared about was getting her semi-new stepdaughter to like her as much as her dad did.

I absolutely hated her guts. About three months ago rich and wealthy business man John Davidson married my mum, unfortunately he had one of the most selfish and inhuman child to face the earth, and I'm not exaggerating. Alison Davidson, was terrible and felt the need to take out all her aggression on me, I knew it was because her dad had fallen for my mum but I didn't see how it was my fault I didn't ask for it to happen either.

I didn't actually know my real father, according to my mum he had took off when he heard my mum was pregnant. Not that I cared, I had managed fine up until now just by myself. I hated things now however, my life had literally gotten shit.

Unluckily me and mum had to sell our old little cosy house I loved to call home and move into the devils house. Hell. It was terrible sometimes she treated me like a personal Slave, most of the time I would fight back or even tell my mum, who would sweetly tell Alison to stop bothering me but did it stop, no! If that wasn't worse enough she even liked to harass me at school sometimes but not too much seeing as I had my best friends with me.

But one unfaithful day I was walking through a corridor by myself and that's when I by mistakley bumped into her, making the queen bitch want revenge for you know what?

Breaking her fucking nail!

Flash back

Chemistry had just ended and I was glad to get that class of my chest. Michael my crazy best friend had a guitar lesson to attend to and Hannah my other amazing best friend was off sick with a stomach bug, I was going to visit her after school and was glad that this was my last class, so I could get there sooner. I past the gym corridor when I came to the end and turned the corner.

Suddenly I came clashing into someone, making me yelp and jump back in surprise. I was about to apologise until I seen who it was. I nearly gagged there and then. She saw me and let out a ear bleeding screech, god this girl needed singing lessons. Oh and a lesson on how not to dress like a slut. She was wearing the scrappiest of clothing and had her face cakes with make up. The tight pink shirt that she was wearing had most of it's buttons open at the top revealing her bra. She was also wearing a short skirt that barely covered her ass, wow way to act desperate. She had blonde and brown hair with fake extensions and it was straightened. I hated her hair, it looked so dry and as if it had no life in it after the thousand times she had straightened it.

"You Fucking bitch! You did that on purpose didn't you." She said and I rolled my eyes. Receiving a angry glare in return, she was the biggest drama queen ever, no joke!

"How the hell was I suppose to know you where behind the wall smartass, I can't see through it." I spoke sarcastically, wow this girl was even more stupid than I anticipated.

"Don't talk to me like that bitch you made me break a nail." She snapped at me, holding out her hand and analysing it.

"Did I really? I didn't even notice." I said my voice dripping with the lingering sarcasm, there were bigger problems in the world than this like poverty and starvation.

Her glare deepens and then she gave me a evil smile.

"Don't worry I'll make sure mummy dearest knows about this, you know what she thinks about anyone harming her precious Ally," she and I gritted my teeth, of course I knew. I would definitely be grounded if she told mum, she would mostly feed her a bunch of lies and make stuff up.

"I don't care." I argued back angrily, and started to walk past her but she shoved my shoulder make me stand back to where I was standing. I glared straight back at her if this is how she wanted to play it.

"Oh I think you do. I know you care that your mum loves me more than you and wait, your dad doesn't love you either. Didn't he run away to America after him and your mum got divorced, and he left no contact information either did he?" She said sarcastically even though she knew it was the truth. That did it for me, I was visibly shaking with anger. No one, and I mean no one talked to me about my dad and got away with it. I struck out my stronger right hand and punched her straight in the jaw. I know it was more likely for girls to slap but not for me, I think my punches where pretty strong. Alison looked at me in shock as she fell to the ground clutching her face. Of course she was shocked normally out fights where only verbal but I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't you fucking dare speak about my dad like that again and my mum. Like you would know what your mums like wouldn't you. Just like her your a fucking slag and you sleep with anything that has a dick and can breath." I said in a angry tone and I looked at her as she got a angry look on her face, she stood up and was about to throw a slap my way when we heard a voice.

"Hey you two what's going on over here." The old looking school principal shouted as he marched our way.

I froze and looked Alison's way, she looked as if she was forcing tears to form and gave me a smirk as one fell down her cheek. She dropped the smirk and took her face in her hands, turning the principals way.

"Oh my god sir." She breathed deeply and made her voice sound hoarse like she had been crying for ages. The principal looked at me with a angry look on his face and then looked back at Alison, his features immediately softened.

Oh shit I was screwed!



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