Chapter 18

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Hey guys thanks for voting and reading!! please help me reach my goal of 320 votes! love you xx

Also made it on #863 fanfiction so exciting lol, sorry but for me it is.


Bries POV

I turned form the door while taking a deep breath. Okay Brie calm down, it's okay. Yeh, it's okay. My heart was racing and my palms had become sweaty. While trying to calm down my self down I didn't notice Liz who had come up to me with an worried look.

"Brie darling, what's wrong?" she asked putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Um..." I stared, I was worried to tell her about my mum even though she already knew. How would she react knowing she was a door away. The knocking had increased and I could hear her call my name.

"Spit it out dear," she said worried and she also kept glancing at the door.

Luke, I needed Luke.

"My mums here," I said to her and shock covered her face but then quickly turned into an angry glare. Her eyes narrowing at the door. Wow she could really pull of the angry mum look.

"Why?" she said her voice rising a little. I never expected her to get that angry. It was so unusual.

"I don't know," I said quietly. A look of determination struck her face.

"Well let's find out then." With out saying another word she reached behind me and opened the front door. Oh shit!

My mum had a pissed off look on her face but shot Liz a fake smile only to get one back. Liz was quite angry but was very good at hiding it, way better than me.

"Hi I'm Rachel Davidson, Bries mum and I'm here to collect her." She said using her new surname. Mines was winters, it always had been and always will be. Her voice was loud and thick with authority, when she had no authority?

I shot Liz a worried look, what the hell was she saying. She was the one that wanted me to leave in the first place so I don't see why she thinks she has a right to come here and get me back. Nu-uh. So not happening.

Liz played it off cool as she shot me small smile, a real one in fact. She looked back at my mum with the same fake one. How could she even do that?

"Now now, mrs Davidson no need to use that tone. Why don't you come in so we can talk about this like women." Liz gave her a tight smile and held out the door wider so she could get in.

"I don't have much time so this will have to be quick." My mum said in a rush. She looked as if she wanted to run away, I would be too if Liz was glaring at me. My mums eyes widen as she takes in the house as Liz leads her to the living room area. Ha bitch, my boyfriends house is way better and more expensive looking than yours. Well fake boyfriends...

"Remember you came to us mrs Davidson," Liz said in a snarky voice and I stifled a giggle. I know I should be worried or scared but this was actually quite amusing. My mums eyebrows shot up to her hairline as she didn't even try to hide the glare she was shooting to Liz.

They where now seated and it was kinda suffocating with their heated glares they where shooting each other. Liz looked tactful though, she was a great lawyer by the looks of it so I wasn't too worried about her. My mum however seemed to melting under Liz's glares and I nearly felt sorry for her. Nearly.

"This is my daughter we are talking about, mrs..." she trailed off.

"Hemmings. And to be honest I don't think you are in position to be calling her your daughter from what I've heard and seen..." Liz said and I almost applauded her. My mum however shot me a evil look, as it was my fault!

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