Chapter 26

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Bries POV

Work ended and I was exhausted. For some reason Calum had been really snappy, making me do extra work than usual. He even made me go around and clean up most of the plant pots in the store, and let me tell you that there where lots. He didn't act like he normally acted and I was a hundred percent sure that it had something to do with Luke.

I easily found Luke's shiny car in the parking lot and made my way to it. I was glad he was here on time.

"Hey," I muttered as I got into the car and put on my seatbelt. Luke looked at me with a raised eye brow.

"Hi babe, how was work?" I looked at him for a second before looking straight forward and replying. The nickname made my heart flip but I was kinda mad at him. What had he said to Calum to make him so mad, plus take out all his anger on me. I was confused and wanted answers, not just the normal 'nothing' reply, I usually got.

"Okay," I said quietly. I didn't bother to make anymore conversation as I tiredly looked out the window. Luke sighed and continued driving before a red light soon came, making the car slow down.

"Okay what's up? Why are you so quite?" He fired questions at me and I slowly turned to look at him. My face without a doubt held a frown.

"Nothing," I said mimicking him slightly with a eye roll. So he expected me to explain everything to him just like that?

He banged his palms onto the steering wheel and my eyes widened slightly. Wow, I didn't expect him to get that angry.

"Tell me what's wrong!"He said more like demanded and I huffed in my seat, my arms crossing over my chest. I was tired and seriously couldn't be bothered with this.

"Why? Because you tell me everything," I replied sarcastically. The light turned green and he started driving again.

"What are you talking about Brie?" It slightly worried me how he hadn't called me babe, like he usually did. Oh gosh, what if he wanted to break up with me. Panic rose in me and I tried to calm myself down. I decided to tell him.

"What did you say to Calum to make him treat me like shit," I said and he looked at me for a second before concentrating back on the road.

"Calum treated you like shit?" He questioned, his voice had a slight edge to it and it sounded like he was angry.

"Well not that bad but he seemed really angry, what did you say to him?" I asked Luke softly. His face softened as he spared me another glance. His face held guilt, I could see it in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it again.

"And don't tell me nothing again," I spoke to him.

"Fine," he sighed. "I just told him to stay away from you and kinda slagged off his player ways, he said that you guys where only friends but I gave him a warning anyway."

My jaw dropped. What?

"Luke why did you say that to him, shouldn't you know we are only friends, I mean you don't exactly have anything to worry about," I mumbled the last bit hoping he didn't catch on but oh he did. He face lightened and I nearly died of his cuteness. I hated it when Luke was in any other state than happy.

"I know Brie but I was stupid and extremely jealous," he said and my heart fluttered. I melted under his burning gaze like an ice cream in the Sahara desert.

"It's okay Luke but next time can you please talk to me about it first. It wouldn't cause half the amount of drama," I said with a giggle. He smiled at me widely as we pulled up into his long drive way.

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