Chapter 19

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Luke's POV(comment telling me of you would like another.)

I let out a content sigh as Brie gently pushed her hand through my blonde hair. I never ever imagined this, me and Brie sitting here together on her bed, my head resting in her lap. Nope, never imagined it.

Her petite hands were like magic as they worked there way through the mess on top off my head. I seriously don't even know how we ended up in this position but it happened. After out very intense not to mention electrifying kiss we talked but not once did we mention it or even us. Where did wanting to kiss each other leave us?

I wanted to of course blurt out that I liked her but how humiliating would it be if she didn't like me back. I was scared. She was living in my house, things between us would turn upside down if she was to reject me. To be honest she was the first girl I actually had feelings for so it was going to be very difficult to confess them to her.

But why would she want to kiss you if she didn't like you?

The thought consumed my mind as I felt her stop playing with my hair but move to slightly stroke my cheek. I was shocked but couldn't deny that I loved her touch.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me curiously looking down into my eyes. I looked back at her intently, she was so beautiful and I wish I could tell her, I was scared though, of her reaction. This was all too new for me.

"You," I said truthfully and a light blush spread through her cheeks. I laughed mentally at how easily she blushed, she looked so cute when doing it. I made her blush. Didn't that count for something?

"Oh." She spoke in a surprised tone and I just chuckled at her response. She was still blushing.

"Shut up Luke," she lightly whacked my forehead.

"I love how easily I can make you blush." The words I was scared to tell her, poured out of me. Why did she have this affect on me? Her eyes widened slightly but then narrowed, I laughed again.

She was too cute.

"No you don't!" She declared loudly but there was something off about it. She was lying.

"Fine. Let's check again shall we. Brie you are breathtakingly beautiful." I said and before I had the thought to take that all back a deep red blush bloomed on her white cheeks. I couldn't help but laugh. I raised my arm and poked her cheek with a cheeky smile on my face.

"See, look how fast it appears." I say gazing at her cheeks.

"Now your just being cocky." She said with a frown. I raised my eyebrow at her, huh. Never heard that one before.

"But you love it princess," I teased and she laughed.

"Get over yourself and princess? How original." Iv moved now so I'm sitting closely next to her. Well close enough to see the blush still hasn't left her cheeks.

"What I thought you liked it, don't lie. I can see right through you." I playfully flick her nose and she glares at me.

"I do not!" She points out rather loudly and the next things I know, Brie clambers closer to me and rests her hands on my stomach, she doesn't miss a second before moving her hands on my stomach and tickling me. I let out a loud screech and try my hardest to move away from her. How did she know I was ticklish?

She laughs at my reaction before leaning forward again, attempting to tickle me again but I move fast that her. I grab both of her arms and pin them up against the bed headboard before latching my other free hand on to her stomach and tickling her back. She bursts out laughing and it's honestly like music to my ears. I love the sound of her laughter.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now