Chapter 3

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Bries POV

"Why the hell are we here Michael?" I asked him, looking around the corridor. Right now we where in the music department, not a place I would normally be in unlike Michael who played the electric guitar. He was a talented musician and worked really hard to do his best in creating music, something I respected him for.

He looked up at me with a creepy yet knowing smile crawling onto his face. I turned to Hannah who was just as confused as I was. Michael could be a little crazy sometimes and I was aware of that but this was something new.

"I know the perfect guy." He said again! I motioned him to go on with my hands. I needed to know a little bit more to understand exactly what he was saying.

"He's right in here." He stated and opened the door he was standing next to. It was one of the practice rooms used by students. So I'm guessing the guy was a musician. In the room was a hunched up guy sitting I've a desk with a electric guitar perched on his legs and also lots of music sheets and pens on the desk. He looked up as he noticed us enter the room.

The guy seemed quite tall but I couldn't tell his whole height as he was just siting down. He had thick black framed glasses perched on his nose and I could see that he had sky blue eyes. They where beautiful and I found it hard not to stare at them. His face was clear of all spots and he had a perfect looking jaw line. He had blonde hair with mixed bits of light brown in it, it was flatted down and seemed a little on the long side, it actually suited him but unfortunately I couldn't say the same about his dress sense.

I noticed he was wearing a wooly white and brown jumper and weird beige coloured trousers. I tried my hardest not to make a sour face at them. All this guy needed was a push in the right direction and he could actually look pretty hot.

"Hey Luke." Michael said to him. Ah, so his name was Luke. It kinda suited him in a way. He looked at Michael with the same confusion me and Hannah had. He then looked at us as we where behind Michael and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey what are you doing here." He said and unexpectedly his voice sounded low and a bit gruff. I don't know why but I kinda felt slightly giddy as I saw him look at me. What? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my brain. I couldn't be thinking like that, I was seventeen not twelve.

"I need your help." Michael said his eyes flickering over to me.

"Sure, man." Luke replied to him and put down his guitar on the table in front of him. He didn't seem too confident but didn't hide away with shyness either.

"I need you to tutor my best friend Brie." He said pointing to me and my eyes widened. He was seriously asking him that!? He would probably say no but Michael own points for trying. Luke looked a little surprised for a second as he looked at me, probably trying to figure out why I needed to be tutored. Then a thoughtful look covered his nice features.

"What class?" he asked and my jaw nearly hit the ground. He was agreeing?

"History and don't even lie man I know your a genius in that subject." Michael said with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes, of course Luke was smart! He had the look to match it too.

"Um okay when would you be free for it?" He asked me and I stood there surprised. I can't believe he was actually agreeing. He seemed like the quite type, the one that doesn't put himself out there!

"Your actually agreeing. Just like that." I replied, speaking up for the first time. I was still surprised, I mean the guy didn't even know me but he wanted to tutor me. I mean he seemed close with Michael which was probably through guitar but other than that...

"Yeah I'll do it but can it be at your place." He spoke unsurely and I nodded. That was okay, mum would be happy I got a tutor. It would be the only thing we could both agree on.

"Okay so it's settled. We can do it tomorrow after school cause I have guitar practise today." he said pushing up his glasses back up his small nose.

"Okay that's fine." I said and we looked at each other uncomfortably for a second before I turned around and left the room with Michael and Hannah hot on my tail.

"Ooh I sense chemistry." Michael gushed my way and I gave him a evil glare.

"What the hell are you talking about." I groaned and they both laughed at my annoyed state.

"You and Luke are bound to get together." Hannah said with a cheeky smile and I turned my glare her way. What a stupid idea! I didn't even know the guy and they where already planning this?

"No way in hell, he seems like a nerd." I said and Michael smirked at me.

"Don't worry bee he isn't really like that he just likes to blend in that's why he dresses like a nerd. So I think the right phrase for you Is don't judge a book by it's cover." Michael said using our childhood nickname for me. He called me bee and I called him Mickey. but focusing on the real issue, how was he not a nerd? I couldn't really see him in a different way either, he was just another guy I didn't know.

"Oh shut up and get those thoughts out of your thick skull."i said and he just chuckled. I didn't know about them but we would never get together!


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