Chapter 36

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Bries POV

The next day soon came and to me, everything felt odd. It was nearing lunch and I felt as if something was off. Hannah was hardly speaking to me as she only spoke when spoken too and I was getting sick of it. I wanted to explain to her Alison's situation but if she didn't give me a chance to tell her, how could I?

Along with that Luke was acting extremely weird as he was looking behind his shoulders every second, looking out for something but I didn't know what? Why was he so paranoid? I had asked him if anything was wrong multiple times but he always shrugged it off, telling me it was fine. I did not believe him one bit. Something was wrong and I wanted to know what.

To add to my list of never ending problems my birthday was in exactly two weeks and I was freaking out, well mentally. My brain kept on coming to the same problem that I still wasn't ready to face.

I was going to leave here like I had always wanted to but now with Luke in the picture, I was rethinking my decision. I had enough money for a one way ticket out of here but as exciting as that sounded to me, my downfall was leaving Luke.

The idea of asking him to come along with me had crossed my mind but I didn't have it in me to have Luke leave his family, that loved him so much. I just couldn't do it. So I was stuck on what to do.

I wanted to leave, I needed to leave but I don't think I could make it without Luke. The place I was so set on going was Italy, Rome to be in fact. I had wanted to go there since I was taught about different parts of the world, when I was ten years old. It was like a dream, yet to come true.

I couldn't live with Luke for any longer than that, I mean I loved it but I didn't want to be a longer burden to Luke and his family.

I had checked online to see roughly how much a one way ticket to Rome costs and I luckily had just enough. I was all set to spend my life savings on one ticket. To some people that would have seemed like a bonkers idea but life was all about taking risks wasn't it? And that was a risk I was willing to take.

Even if that meant leaving Luke...


The class ended with the annoying beep of the bell and I packed away all my stuff, set to leave as quickly as possible. I couldn't take another second in that stuffy all classroom. I walked out into the hallway and was all ready to go in the direction of the lunch hall but something made me stop on my tracks.

Across and a little further up the hall than me was a girl and she was hugging this guy extremely tightly, around them was a large group of people. The where chatting loudly, some even laughing and cheering. My heart froze when I looked closer and recognised the boy to be Luke...

A very pretty girl was now standing next to him with a bright smile on our face and there Luke stood, looking as uncomfortable as ever. He looked like he wanted to run away but a small polite smile was placed on his perfect lips.

What was going on?

There was only one way to find the answer to that question and that was going over there. I marched my way over there and as soon as Luke noticed me he moved closer to me, his smile widening.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine for a short kiss. You know, just to show some people that he was taken. It got the message across as the girl cleared her throat rather loudly, breaking this kiss and making it shorter than I wanted it to be.

"Lukey, why don't you introduce your friend to me?" She replied with a bright but fake smile and in a sickly sweet voice. Number one, who the hell was she to have a nickname for Luke and number two, was she blind or was that just me? Did she not see the kiss at all? I think that was a little bit out of the friend boundaries, just a teensy bit.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now