Chapter 44

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Bries POV

I stared at the obnoxious stranger in shock. Curly headed boy say what now!? How could someone like him be the guest of the dinner party Liz was hosting, it just didn't make any sense. A smirk was placed on his devious face, he was obviously taken pleasure out my discomfort, I could see it in his eyes.

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered out, probably making a even more fool out of myself but it didn't matter, I needed answers even if I had to stoop down and take down my guard.

"Do you have no idea why this dinner was being held?" He faked skepticism, his mocking making me angrier by the second. Wow, who did this boy think he was?

I shook my head, refusing to speak to him and he let out a snarky laugh. Luke still hadn't come back with my drink, making me annoyed at him. What was taking him so long? I didn't want to be in the presence of mr wanna be king any longer.

"Man you must be really stupid then. Well let me break it down for you, the Hemmings invited me and my family the Edwards for dinner since we just moved back here, after a while of living in London." He spoke to me slowly like he thought I was so stupid that I wouldn't be able to understand him if he talked normally. He was taking the piss and that made me extremely mad.

"Don't talk to me like I'm thick you dick. Now tell me what you even are to the Hemmings family?" He chuckled at me, but this time it didn't sound as fake or harsh as the others. Strange.

"I can talk how the fuck I want. And oh nothin much, my dad is just the best friend of Mr Hemmings. No big deal." That persistent lier, sent me a glare back. Fuck, was this guy bi-polar? And I was also surprised (but never in a million years would show it) how Luke's dad was best friends with this rude and obnoxious guys father, it was odd.

"Brie I'm so sorry, I took ages getting you your drink my mum-, what are you doing here Harry?" Luke's voice was heard from behind me and I turned to see him with a glass of coke in his hands.

So my assumption was that Luke totally new about all this and didn't choose to tell and also that this boys name was Harry. Hm.. it suited him.

"Thanks," I muttered after he handed me the glass. Thank god it had ice in it because that was exactly what I need right now. I took a sip of the cool liquid while Harry looked at us both confused but then a look of realization flickered in his eyes.

"Wow Luke didn't know you had it in you to lie to your girlfriend." He said looking at me. I felt uncomfortable under his stare but didn't let Luke's comforting arm do it's job when it wrapped around my waist. I squirmed out of his hold, looking at expectantly at him, for the answers I so desperately needed.

"I didn't lie to her Harry. What the hell have you been telling her?" Luke snapped at him and Harry chuckled. But this time it was more of a evil laugh.

"Oh you know, nothing but the truth." He replied, keeping his cool. Luke stayed silent.

"Something I know for a fact that you haven't been telling her. What may the reason be for that Luke? Louise?" He said and my stomach twisted. Once again, curly haired boy say what now!? Why was he mentioning that witch?

"Louise." I repeated his last word and looked at Luke who seemed slightly guilty, I could tell by the way his eyes where avoiding mine. My heart ached, why had he been keeping all this stuff from me? Did I not have the right to know too, as his girlfriend.

"Fuck you Harry. You have always been like this and always will be." Luke spoke aggressively but Harry didn't seem to take him seriously as he laughed in amusement, again.

"And I can see that you are the exact same coward, that dated my sister years ago and still are now." Harry said his final words before turning around and walking away.

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