Chapter 31

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Bries POV

When we arrived at this James's house the party was in full swing and there where even people standing outside and dancing, Michael was right when he said it was gonna be epic. But that wasn't the reason we where here. We where here to find one peace and hopefully sober.

The key word in that being Hopefully.

We quickly got out the car and I noticed Michael standing in front of the front door his hands frantically swiping his phone. He noticed us immediately, coming towards us with a frantic look on his face.

"Michael what's going on?" Hannah asked him going straight to his side, knowing what state her boyfriend was in.

"It's Luke. One second he was standing here while I went to go get us a drink and when I came back he was gone. It's been a whole hour and a half. Who knows what could have happened to him? It isn't like Luke to just wander off." He said subconsciously checking his phone. I'm guessing Luke hadn't contacted Michael in any way.

My heart was going crazy and I didn't know what to do. Well there was not one thing we could do and that was look for Luke. He was right, this was not like Luke at all so I had the feeling someone else was involved.

"I'm going to look for him," I said pushing past them and going in the house.

"Wait we're coming with you," Hannah said coming after me, Michael got on her tail.

Some cheesy pop song was blaring through the house and this was probably one of the biggest party's I had ever seen but that wasn't important now, Luke was.

"We'll split up. I'll check the dance floor and kitchen while you guys check out side." I said and they nodded understanding.

I looked around a massive group of people who where all lumped together. Girls where wearing the most revealing clothes and boys all around me where eye raping them, not even hiding it. Whores.

I moved forward when I felt someone touch my butt, turning around with a evil look I glared at the person, who was some buff looking blonde jock. I didn't hesitate to slap him and wipe that smirk of his face. He thought this was funny?

"You bitch," he said before clutching his now reddening face. Wow, I didn't mean to hit him that hard. Okay, maybe I did.

"Oops," I said (fake) giggling slightly so it came of I was drunk. I turned quickly on my heal and made a fast escape out of here. Wherever here was. I went the way I came from and soon found the kitchen, which grossly had a bunch of girls with just their bikini tops on and skirts. With the type of guys here they where practically asking to get raped.

I looked around and then sighed. No sign of Luke. He had to be here, somewhere. I was sure of it. Going back to the front I saw Hannah and Michael come through the front door, with no Luke. I guess they couldn't find him either.

"Let's go check upstairs," Michael said loudly talking over the music. I nodded, that was the last place we could possibly look before hitting the streets and looking for him there.

"Yeh," I said and followed them up the crowded stairs. People where standing on either side, red cups in their hands looking as if they where having a blast but for us it was the exact opposite. This was the most worried I had felt in a long time.

Upstairs was big with lots of rooms on either side of the hall. It had less people than downstairs which was helpful.

"How can we do this? I don't want to walk into a bedroom at the wrong time," Hannah said with a disgusted look. I knew exactly what she meant. Of course most of these bedrooms would be occupied, the house was full of horny creeps.

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