Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Bries POV

It was weird. Since the incident with Luke and the small note he left me I couldn't stop smiling. I mean he was just some dorky kid and I shouldn't have made it into a big deal but I just felt like it was. I was just over-reacting and shouldn't have, really.

When I got to school the next morning I knew I had to find Luke. I was going to ask him what the plans where for tonight. Would we be studying or what? I wanted to give this a chance and I knew Michael was right about Luke being the right person for me. The tutoring way, of course.

As break time came by I didn't see Luke anywhere. I wonder where he was? He never told me about not being here or what if something happens to him. Crap! Brie you are in no place to worry about him, you aren't even friends, my conscious spoke to me firmly. I guess it was right and I should listen to it but I just couldn't help it. I huffed, pulling my bag higher on my shoulder as I couldn't be bothered waiting for my friends anymore. Michael and Hannah's class's where on the other side of the school building so it would take them ages to come to the hall where we spent our breaks and lunches. It wasn't like they would hate being together or anything.

It then occurred to me that Luke would be in the place we first met. The practise room. I quickly rushed to the direction of the music department, hoping that he would at least be there. People pushed past me and the where going the opposite direction. I hated it when that happened, but what can you do.

I made my way to small practise room and silently looked trough the window. There he was suiting on a stool, strumming away on a red and black electric guitar. He looked so content and peaceful as he did it and still hadn't noticed me. There was no point knocking as he probably wouldn't hear me, so I just opened the door and walked in.

His head shot up as soon as he notched my presence. His crystal blue eyes which where covered with thick framed square glasses gazed me over up and down.

"Hey," he said as he stopped what he was doing and laid down his guitar.

"Hi," I said quietly and looked up at him. He had a tiny faint smile tugging at his lips and I really wanted to question it but chose to take the smarter option.

"So I was wondering if the tutoring thing was on today?" I asked awkwardly. I really didn't understand what was going on between us. Where we friends?Aquanteces?Teacher student? well the last one was a bit stupid but still I was confused, but I was not going to bring that subject up and make it even more awkward between us.

He looked thoughtful for an second and then nodded. "Yeah sure where about do you want to do it?" he asked and the raised his hand to ruffle his flattened hair. It caught my attention for a millisecond as I looked at his soft looking blonde locks. Shit Brie stop staring! I mentally slapped my self and looked back down meeting his questioning gaze.

"Um," I started stupidly, actually thinking now about what he had asked. I definitely didn't want to go back to the house to do it so there was only one last place we could do it. "How about we do it at your place?" I asked him and his eyebrows shot up. Maybe I shouldn't have asked that.

He cleared his throat and looked as if he was thinking about it. He better hurry up because the bell was going to go soon and I didn't want to be late for class, again.

"Yeah okay, I don't mind." he said and i nodded happily enough.

"Are you sure," I asked not wanting to sound to persistent about the whole idea.

Tutor Me Mr Cutie~Luke Hemmings (editing)Where stories live. Discover now