Chapter 12

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Bries POV

As the next day came it would be a complete lie to say I wasn't excited about going to Luke's house. I'm not sure why but I just felt like it would be a nice change from my boring life. Luke's house was pretty awesome so I didn't exactly mind and I also wanted to see him, not that I missed him or anything.

After leaving Hannah's house I went straight to my house (not really my house), just to take a shower and get changed to something other than the old t-shirt and sweats that I had randomly packed, don't blame me. I was in a rush.

I hated the idea of going back there but I had no choice. Especially in front of Luke's parents if I saw them, I had to show I was at least a half decent girlfriend. Well fake girlfriend.

As I got home I nearly groaned out loud as I saw everyone's cars where in the drive way. Shit, now they where going to be freaking nosy and question me. If I told them I was at Hannah's, Alison would stir up some crap and say I was lying. Of course my mum believed her she alway had. It had happened before and I was sure it would happen again.

Slowly I opened the front door with my key, thank The Lord I had one, it was pretty useful at times like this. I tried my hardest to be sneaky and quite, but when I opened the door I nearly face palmed. Stupid, I should have took the back way in. There stood my mum with a angry look on her face and a hand perched on her hip. She looked beyond pissed.

"Where the hell have you been young lady," she said loudly at me. What! Now she cared? I wasn't home all night and now she cared.

"What no hello?" I asked her sarcastically and raised an eyebrow but it didn't seem to help my case as she marched up towards me. My mood was frantically changing from excited to pissed and anger all of it aimed at her.

"You-. You despicable child!" she said dramatically, and a bit too loud for my liking. She raised her hand towards my face looking as if she so badly wanted to slap me.

"Get you filthy claws away from me or I swear I will sue you for child abuse," I said to her calmly taking a step back. I was actually pretty proud of my self for holding in all the anger swirling away in me. I knew that would only make the matter worse.

She dropped her hand and glared at me.

"You go up to your room right now and don't come out until I say so. You are a disgrace to this house and will be grounded until further notice," she said to me and I stopped for a second just looking at her. The hatred fading away turning into nothing, absolute numbness. My posture became still and my eyes turned cold as I gave her an icy glare. If looks could kill she would be ten feet under. She was only my mother by blood, nothing else. I did not have one ounce of respect left for the woman.

"Actually Rachel, I was grabbing my clothes and just leaving, maybe not for good but a long time. So do not expect me back anytime soon, I can see and always have that you don't want me but don't worry it's all coming true now. You can live your happily ever after with your perfect family and kick me to the curb. I actually don't give two shits anymore. So fuck you!" I shouted out loud my temper burning, the blood in my body boiling and pumping faster through my veins. That felt so good. I think me calling her, her actual name rather than mum pissed her of even more. But what was the point she was most likely like a stranger to me now.

She stood there in shock her mouth open slightly as if she was processing everything that I had said. Not wanting to see her anymore I pushed past her and ran up the long stair case and to my room. Adrenaline rushing through me as I found a medium sized duffel bag on top of my cupboard. I stuffed it with clothing items, well my most nicest ones and a couple pair of shoes. I ran into my joint bathroom and picked up my hair brush, make up bag and toothbrush. I also took my iPhone charger out the socket. Stuffing everything into the bag I looked around the room trying to figure out if I forgot anything. I seriously hated this room it just didn't feel right but I wasn't aloud to change it in any way, she wouldn't let me and now I could leave it all behind.

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