Chapter 35

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Wooden swing up above x


Bries POV

Oh I was so very wrong.

Hannah glared at Alison as she sat down next to me. Yeah, she looked sweet and kind on the outside but she could be a bitch when she wanted to, especially to Alison.

It was going to be hard to change her view point on Alison like mines had changed.

"Alison would like to say something to you's." I said breaking the silence and their stairs on Alison, making them look at me with confused look. I took a seat next to Luke who immediately took my hand in his. With my free hand I returned to eating my delicious sandwich.

Alison cleared her throat drawing their attention back to her. "Um I was actually wanting to apologise," she said to them but facing Hannah. Hannah's reaction was funny as she looked shocked, her eyes widening. Then all a sudden she furrowed her eye brows at her.

"How are we suppose to believe you, after what you've done," she pointed her finger at Alison and Alison frowned slightly.

"I had an eye opener earlier and I realised how I had been treating everyone around me and how wrong it was, so I wanted to apologise and start fresh. A clean slate," she explained to everyone and after she finished there was a weird silence, well other than me chewing rather loudly.

Luke looked at me with a slight chuckle and I flushed under his gaze. I nodded my head slightly in Alison's direction with a stern gaze and he sighed, taking my hint to listen to her.

"Well I forgive you Alison, even though I didn't like it when you where all over me." Luke said to her and she blushed slightly, embarrassed.

"Thank you Luke and I'm so sorry about all that. Don't worry about it now because I'm with Calum now and have no intention what so ever to go after other guys." Alison smiled slightly and Luke nodded.

"Wait, your with Calum? As in hood?" Michael asked her with a shocked look on his face. How he didn't know yet, I had no idea. Things like that got around the school fast and Michael was just oblivious to them.

"Yeah," she trailed on. Just as soon as she said the bell wrung, it's annoying beep echoing throughout the school. We all stood me, me chucking my rubbish in the bin and then I turned to the others who had been stopped by Alison.

"So you guys forgive me?" She asked Michael and Hannah specifically as Luke came to my side.

"Yeah." Michael said and them shot her a smile which she happily returned. Hannah wasn't persuaded as she watched Alison interact with Michael.

"How do we know that you aren't going back stab us like the old you would have done not even a week ago." Hannah said with a eye roll and Alison frowned.

"Fine, don't take my apology." She huffed out and turned around to walk away but not before shooting me a smile. I waved at her and she left.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked Hannah as we walked to our second last class of the day. Michael had a free period while we all had English.

"Well what else was I suppose to say. She can't expect me to forgive her in a matter of minutes," she said with a scrunched up, disgusted look on her face.

"Yeah I know but you didn't have to be so mean to her." I said and it didn't go as well as I expected.

"What are you on Brie. I was hardly being mean and what's up with the sudden change of heart, not too long ago you hated her guts too," she said to me angrily and pushed a head, leaving me with Luke and not even giving me a chance to explain Alison's situation.

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