Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bries POV

The rest of the day had flown by and soon it was time to go home. Of course Alison drives around in her flashy sports car and I was left to take the bus or even walk. That devil would never even think about giving me a ride so I was stuck by myself. Johns house wasn't so far away so it wasn't that bad but I did want a car! I was seventeen still so that's why I didn't have one but I had passed my drivers test so I just couldn't wait till June came and I turned eighteen. It was March right now so I guess it wouldn't be a long wait.

Michael had a car and it was great as he gave me a lift home most of the time but three times a week he had guitar practise after school. Today had to be one of those days and I was left walking. Hannah couldn't give me a ride because she was still seventeen too and normally got picked up by her mum. I walked across the pavement slowly, there was never a rush to get home. Thankfully it was less windy unlike this morning but it was worse when it was raining or even snowing.

Soon I arrived at the huge grand mansion. There was a black gate guarding the drive way along with a guard that John had hired to make sure no one unwanted came in. I waved at the guard. His name was James and I was friends with him. He was a great guy with a nice wife and two little twin boys Cayden and Jayden. I knew quite a bit about him since we talked sometimes when I was bored or when he was off duty.

James smiled at me and opened the gates to let me in. I smiled back gratefully and made my way up to the front door. It was a huge double door with was about the double height of me. I noticed that Alison's car was parked in the drive way and inwardly groaned. Mum and john where probably at work since their cars weren't there. I let my self in my keys and shut the door behind me. The mansion was beautiful in side with a grand stair case up to the four floors unfortunately it wasn't what I wanted to call home. I loved my other little house and I would take it back in a heart beat if only mum hadn't sold it to some strangers. I couldn't wait till I could leave home at eighteen. I wanted to go to college and study art and design. I loved art it was one of the only things I did best. It was just that one thing that came naturally and I was good at it.

I wasn't hungry at all so I headed straight to my bedroom. It was on the second floor which I was grateful for, I wasn't going to trek up to the third and fourth floor just to get to my room. Down the hall was Alison's room along with guest bedrooms and other rooms I didn't know about and truthfully I didn't want to, nor could I be bothered. Mum and Johns room was on the third floor, I didn't know why and didn't want to either. I quickly went into my bedroom and quietly shut the door behind me, I didn't want to bring any unwanted attention. Especially from Alison.

My room was nice, just the right size for me with a comfy double bed in the middle. All around the walls were drawings and paintings I had done in my spare time. I had a lot of it so I put it to good use. I dropped my bag on the side and jumped onto my bed. There was a cupboard on the side full of my clothes and a long mirror next to it. I got up and walked in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I had blonde wavy hair that went down just to the middle of my stomach. I had greyish, blueish eyes. Probably the only feature of my face I liked. I ha a medium sized nose and pale pink lips. I wasn't too skinny nor was I too heavy, I think I was a medium size and I was happy with that. I had some curves but I wasn't too curvy. Overall I wasn't the most beautiful girl out there but I wasn't too bad either. I wasn't insecure or anything about my self unlike some girls I new. Everyone had flaws I just learned to live with them.

I sighed as thoughts of a certain nerd filled my mind. I couldn't actually believe he was okay with tutoring me, I mean just like that. No questions asked or anything! He was cute but I didn't want to think about that aspect too much, this was gonna be strictly tutoring and I was going to make sure of that.


The next day when I arrived at school I was slightly nervous. I had noticed that Luke was in most of my classes and also my first one this morning. It was hard to believe that I had never noticed him much before, he normally sat at the back, out of sight from everyone. Michael was right, he was quite and didn't like unwanted attention. I wonder why?

I made my way to my locker to find Hannah standing there waiting for me. She noticed me and smiled and sent a small one back. I got to my locker and she greeted me.

"Hey are you excited about tonight?" she asked and I looked at her confused. What was happening tonight?

"Why would I be excited for tonight?" I asked her and she looked shocked.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten!" she said loudly and a few heads turned our way. I rolled t eyes, my best friend could be such a drama queen.

"Care to enlighten me," I said. It was getting annoying. Seriously what was so important.

"Your tutoring date with Luke." she exclaimed dramatically and I reframed from covering her mouth with my hand. I looked at her wide eyed and shook my head at my friends stupidity.

"It's tutoring Hannah why are you acting like it's a real date." I said fully annoyed, how could she think like that? I mean tutoring was okay but a date with Luke? That was just a little too far, I didn't like him like that. Yet, my conscious spoke from the back of my mind. I ignored it though and pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

"We'll see about that." she said with a smirk on her face, I just rolled my eyes. The bell wrung and i made my way to my first class. Hannah rushed of as she had P.E on the other side of the school. My first class was with Michael and it was strange that he hadn't turned up yet. I had maths first, which I was not looking forward to. I walked slowly to the classroom in the maths department. I walked into the classroom.

"Nice to see you miss Taylor's." Miss Briggs said to me with a tight smile, I just dismissed her with my hand and walked straight to a random seat at the back. I was so not in the mood with speaking to any teacher, especially Miss Briggs who loved Alison and hated me. She reminded me too much of my mum. I got out my Jotter and pen out my bag and waited for her to start the lesson. Luke was actually in this class to but he was sat on the other side, I looked up to see him working out the problem sheet we where giving to complete. As soon as he sensed my gaze his head shot up and looked my way but I quickly dropped my gaze to the paper below me. Oh shit was if I was caught staring at him, that would have just been embarrassing.

After about ten minutes Michael rushed in with a red face, telling me he had practically ran here. I sent him a smirk as he got told off by Miss Briggs. He just rolled his eyes in response. After he was let off the hook he came and took a seat next to me.

"So you excited for your date tonight." he said and I resisted the urge to smack my head against the desk. He definitely had been spending too much time with Hannah.


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